Sep 23, 2010

Polymer Clay and repurposing for some old items

 Fall is here I have some Polymer Clay earrings to divide up to various shops and here is one pair. At first I wasn't too keen on the colours, but they kind of grew on me. I wish I had pierced ears. Can you imagine an earring lover not having pierced ears?

I still don't fancy clip ons as they hurt. And why don't I find the reassurance of others that piercing is painless. Does anyone remember when they had their ears pierced? I had mine done at age 2 when I didn't have a say and perhaps this caused my sensitivity to even 10 karat Gold. My right earlobe closed up as if it refused to have anything stuck through it. My left likes coated copper, but unless it becomes fashionable to wear one earring again.... I have a simple Hack coming up to solve this dilemma.

Hack seems to be a new word for the dictionary these days. The word usually conjures up having something wicked, having to do with the nasty reconfiguration of a computer program, but in this case as per Urban dictionary:
"a clever solution to a tricky problem or to hack is to mod or change something in an extraordinary way." Simply
What did I hack... my jacket! Sounds strange, doesn't it.
It started when I looked at laptop sleeves on the net, most averaging at least $30. The one I fancied was $45 for my 15 inch Acer, never mind the shipping cost, another $10 bucks. It had a nice handle, but I wanted a clip on strap. Frugal as I am this had me thinking. Hindsight is, I should have taken photos of the process.
So, the original purpose was a jacket I had bought for $3, but it ended up sitting in my closet for more than a year...unused and now it's a jacket for my laptop which gets used all the time. The jacket was always a bit stiff and not as comfortable as it looked. Plus I didn't like the cuffs. The outer fleece is bonded to another layer of fleece, essentially reversible. Red on the outside, navy on the inside. I took one of the jacket pockets, angled it to be horizontal and stitched it on the outside. I can fit my USB stick in it, my ear buds, a CD and my battery charger/adapter. The flap is soft and tucks neatly inside the case. The strap is from another item I wear on my belt. I can detach it and slip the laptop into my backpack. I'm quite happy with my hack.

Sep 16, 2010

More Sunkissed Polymer Clay Designs

I'm thinking about the sun or lack thereof. My Polymer Clay Sunkissed Series requires UV and the two little lamps I have just don't cut it, but put the items out in the sun or as soon as you're ready to, the sun goes into hiding behind a temporary cloud. When using UV resin, even a 3 to 4 minute delay behind a cloud can make your resin stay sticky beyond repair depending on whether you can apply another layer. Anyway, I'm trying to do some resin batches every chance I get and keep watching the weather report. Wondering if I should take a whole bag full of ready pendants to Hawaii, lol.

Anyway, I heard that to prevent blog theft that I experienced for myself recently (a few posts back), I'm supposed to announce that I'm Tina and this is my blog, Polymer Clay Bytes! aka Beadcomber. Well, my followers know who I am, but a thief doesn't care and will just duplicate that post and put it elsewhere.
Anyway, about jewelry and polymer clay. I am enjoying making the Honeycomb Sunkissed pendants with Channels and cut outs...the channels are inspired by something Julie Picarello does with her famous mokume gane work. This is putting my own spin on things. If you want to learn my Honeycomb technique, go to my ArtFire's done in purple in the tutorial, but you can choose other colours. The Jupiter Pendants in the second photo are a spin ('xcuse the pun) on the spinning beads within pendants that I created around 2002 or 3...don't remember right now and would have to dig around in my other computer for the file. For the last photo, the earrings, I'm finally using some beautiful Turkish Turquoise chips that I purchased while in Germany in 1989 when my flirtation with Fimo began. 21 years time flies.

Sep 7, 2010

Polymer clay in Imitative Ivory

Ancient carved tiles and cabochons anyone? Well, I made these from Polymer clay in an Imitative Ivory technique. I'm currently making molds for these as well as have put up a few of them on my Etsy shop.
Oh and am working on a couple of tutorials for something like this. Am hoping to get a free video up too and don't know when or how soon as my larygytis goes's been a long lasting bugger.

Sep 2, 2010

Sunsets and Polymer Clay Parody

It's still Thursday and am having a good ol' time trying to think up names for my newest polymer clay creations.

I haven't been too successful, either the names sound fruity or nutty. Mango and Grapes for Oranges and Purples...there is the fruit again. How about "Out of my mind", since I designed those things,  but in the end everything seems to sound like a book title to me. Have to have some fun, right? lol
My husband says "So what! why does everything have to have a name?! Can't you just sell it?" I suppose he's right, but if someone asked me..."Remember that orangey bracelet with those tiles and the swirl on top? or the purple shiney tile bracelet with those gold veins and tigereye imbedded?" Long names, yikes. I need reminders. I suppose I could assign them numbers! That's all one does for consignment sales. So how about 2025...sounds like a vintage year for a wine, lol. That's the Parody for today. So here is what I've been up to.

Saffron Sunset Pendants, some with true American Turquoise

Cherokee Purple Bracelet with Tigereye
and maybe this one...Golden Veridian (Green Blue) with Turquoise
Well, it's not the name that counts, only what it looks like, right? I'm pretty happy the way these turned out...All that is left to do is figure out how to string the pendants and earrings.
In other news, surprise surprise, I'm working on another tutorial...or two...but in the meantime I've also been creating some more molds which I'll be listing in ArtFire. I've also created faux ivory tiles/pendants that I've begun to list in my Etsy shop...Have a look on the right side are a few that will be going up...

Thursday already? and September? Need a Body break...

I can't believe how time flies! I guess it's been a busy summer. 
Here is what I sometimes wake up to...I shot this about a week ago...a full moon at dawn.

If you're an Artist and spend a lot of time in the chair, I should make you aware that desk work can be hazardous to your health. I've paid too much attention to my art and work and not enough to my body. I know all too well since 3 bone spurs in my neck have let themselves be made felt. Numbness, pain and tingling, ear ringing, headaches, dizzyness and even hoarseness. Bone spurs...only prevention will keep those away. Once you have them, they can greatly interfere with your daily life. Stretch every 20 minutes if you are spending a lot of time stooped over your fascinating pieces or over the keyboard of your computer.

I've just purchased a couple of yoga dvd's...the better one is called "yoga for inflexible people", lol. Yep, that's me, inflexible. Well, my fingers are very flexible. After all they've been getting the most exercise. Conditioning clay, rolling clay, pinching clay...well, you get the point. After 20 + years of claying, I'm still using my arm to crank that pasta machine and the physiotherapist says I have shoulders built like an elephant! Gee, thanks!! lol. But my shoulder joint is feeling it. I'm thinking that if I get a motor, I'll be even lazier when it comes to exercise, but alas, the rest of the body needs it too and overworking the joints is totally possible with cranking the hard clay through those tight rollers. Relaxation is a must, not just stretching...
Here is one relaxing pose...
 I have this DVD plugged in my laptop. I can carry it out to the porch where my mat is set up...I just need to find another blanket...

Take care,

Aug 13, 2010

August is a busy month for Polymer clay and upcoming Giveaway!

Well, it is almost mid-month and between Anniversaries, Birthdays I haven't had much time to blog. I wanted to give you something, to celebrate my birthday. Hey, wait a minute, isn't it me that's supposed to get the presents? lol. Well, as an August Leo one of my traits is supposed to be generosity, so I better live up to it.

What to give away...Tutorials, beads and pendants, jewelry or maybe all three?
While I think about what the prize/s will be...I need your help...
send me your ideas on how to make the giveaway an interesting one that will help promote my idea gets 2 extra entries, all other ideas get 1 extra entry. Just leave a comment...

And while I think of it, the busy bee has been at it. I have a new tutorial that I just listed.
Honeycomb texture colour technique

Aug 4, 2010

Laser Printers at Staples - Polymer Clay Transfers

For the polymer clay transfer enthusiast there is great news, your very own toner based colour printer for only $169 and Staples has a $20 coupon on right now as well. If you're struggling to find places to make those copies for you, this is an affordable replacement for an inkjet as well.
The only drawback would be replacement cartridges, while not cheap, they last a long time.

Brother HL-3040CN Digital Colour Printer | STAPLES

Jul 29, 2010

Not just polymer clay...

Facebook would ask "What's on your mind" and my answer is "not just polymer clay". I work in a few different media and more often than not will combine those with polymer clay, but this past week I decided to use some of my many strands of semiprecious stones. For the past year I've made these with recycled glass beads, but my colour stash on those has diminished greatly.
Here are a few things I've been working on...My Picasso Pendants...this one here measures more than 5 inches tall (Sold)
Knit Copper with Amethyst and Hematite...

and of course much more...I'll take more photos when it's lighter out. Our summer here has been unusually cool and dark.

Jul 20, 2010

Polymer Clay Flowers - a project and technique

I've published my newest polymer clay tutorial. Actually there are two versions, one with the Batik and Shimmer technique, the other with just the project. You can choose one or the other. All of these are available in my ArtFire shop and will be soon in Etsy also. Those familiar with my tutorials know they are comprehensive and easy to follow. I put my heart and soul into the photography and instruction. I hope you will be pleased with these.

The tutorial is for the technique and  project for Batik and Shimmer, Flowers, Pendants, Pins and Bails (long title which is reflected in 28 pages of instructions with 84 photographs). It is available for $12.

The project alone is Flowers, Pendants, Pins and Bails and consists of 20 pages of instruction). It's available for $5

And if you wish to purchase only the technique for "Batik and Shimmer" it is $7 and 11 pages of instruction and includes tips and tricks just like my other tutorials.

Happy Claying!

Jul 19, 2010

Leaf Shapes and thoughts of Fall

I can't help but think of Fall.  Not only because of these leaf shapes from polymer clay, but also because of our temperatures here on the West Coast have been anything but summer-like. While temps may be warm in Vancouver, here on the Coast temps have felt quite Arctic, hovering around 11 Degrees Celsius or 53 Fahrenheit, well below the 20 Degree average (71 Fahrenheit). I actually lit the stove today as did several other neighbors. The sun is peaking out now and it's a bit warmer and temps are supposed to reach 18...but I just don't feel it. Most mornings and afternoons are foggy, also very early, as August is known as Fogust in these parts.

This weather has inspired me to create leaves and here are a few. I'm calling them..."Solar Leaf Pendants" because I cure them with UV rays, either lamp or sun. The background is a modified technique on my Batik and Shimmer.

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