Aug 31, 2012

Window Ornament Swap

This was our first International Polymer Clay Swap on Facebook. I was excited that 20 Artisans decided to participate, from Australia, Belgium, Canada, Italy, Slovenia, Spain, and the USA.
I thought Window Ornaments would be fun and a bit of a challenge and it was! I think we’re more used to creating Wall or Tree Ornaments, but challenges can be good for the creative mind and the results were pretty amazing!
I paired up people randomly as best as I could as most were willing to ship internationally. My partner was Kimberly Idalski. Kimberly is a multi talented jewelry designer. You can see her post about this swap here.
She did a lot of research about the Province where I live. British Columbia’s provincial flower is the Dogwood and the bird is the Stellar Jay, a cocky Bird that loves to hang out at Beach Parks and wait for the bread crumbs to fall. Actually feeding these birds in Provincial and National Parks is prohibited, but this doesn’t stop them from coming to your backyard!
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I love these birds and I think Kim did a pretty fine job representing them. Beautiful, isn’t it! I’ve got it hanging in my studio against a back drop of Cedar which happens to be my view from my little window.
Look at the fine detail! Kimberly double sided the flowers so when they turn on the chain, front and back look the same and the encapsulated crystals can sparkle.
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Love it! Thanks so much Kimberly.
I sent Kimberly something she likes which are Butterflies. As I mentioned…go visit her blog if you want to see what I made for her.
Here are some of the other participants’ blogs…

Alenka Obid
Kimberly Idalski
Vanessa Betcher
Leila Bidler
Anne Roncalli
Nadia Gennari
Manon van Kempen:
Ilenia Moreni:

Aug 29, 2012

Good to the last drop

We usually say that about coffee, but here I actually mean that about resin. Not the UV resin you’ve heard me talk about so many times before, but the resin. Yes, it’s definitely my new love! It’s a 2:1 ratio resin rather than a 1:1 ratio that most other resins use for combination of Resin and Hardener. I find I just can’t go wrong with this one. I posted a little about it back in April. I’ve tried 1:1 ratio resins but sometimes ended up with beautiful but unusable tacky pieces which I sadly had to toss. And UV resin, while it has great uses, the annoying thing is that you can’t mix opaque stuff into it. And for the LW resin, I don’t have to wait for the sun to shine (here in the North, haha), or plug in my Aluminum foil lined Lunar Excursion Module (LEM) UV oven. Blablabla…ok here is a little idea with a bit more blablabla attached, lol. Notice the teardrop ends of the beads? I’m entering these in the 52 earrings a year which I have fallen behind in. I’m planning on catching up!


I normally use these cute silver little headpins with the round ball ends or the plain flat hammered end ones which I have so many of. Then this idea hit me…why not make some!!

When done working with a batch of resin, as instructed you can wipe the cup with a paper towel to then being able to reuse the cup. But now I make use of those last few drops before wiping it. Well,in case you’re wondering how I then cure them…here they are…


I just used Scotch Tape and taped the pins onto the shelf above my head. They’re not drippy at all, but you could place a sheet of printer paper underneath just in case you have your coffee there or whatever, lol.

Mine are black because I used Fran’s magical black powder that is used with her Dichro tutorial (the video of which you can watch in my April link above). You could also use glitter or colorful embossing powders.

Stay tuned for asap…

Aug 10, 2012

German Bead Soup

It’s time for the Bead Soup Blog Hop and our 2nd Reveal for August 11th! There was one a week ago and the last one a week from now. It was split up because there are 400 participants!!
A few weeks ago I blogged about all the wonderful things I received from my Partner Stefanie Teufel of Germany. Here is a recap of what she sent.
She knew I like Copper so she included some chain, a Toggle and Focal Heart in that metal which I used as the basis for this necklace. I didn’t use all the beads as I only had so many copper bead caps and wasn’t sure how else to pull off the larger beads or how to incorporate the odd smaller beads work with the large, but I think this one works!
Here is another view. The focal with the Green Agate bead

I used the Jade and Coconut beads for these Earrings…
I filled the little glass vial with sand and all the small beads that would fit in and used the green jump ring to hang from a simple necklace that has African frosted flower beads.
So I was able to use most of the beads.
Our Wonderful Hostess, Lori Anderson, Pretty Things

Aug 9, 2012

Summer Bracelet Fun

I’ve been making and selling a few bangles and none received more compliments than the one I chose to keep for myself. So I’ve decided to share it, in the form of my latest tutorial.

This tutorial is fold as in 2 parts. First I show how to create the crackles and craze with the full tutorial of "New Crackle", then second, how to create round and flat round elasticized bangle bracelets. The tutorial will shows a modification of the crackle. Nothing gets wasted when you use the crackled veneer for other projects and then use the left over bits to create these types of bracelets.

The Bangles are unique in that the 2 halves interconnect with elastic. You can also create these bracelets with other veneers such as Mokume gane, milifiori canes or my Batik technique which I think is a lot of fun.

This 15 page tutorial has more than 40 photos as guidance with the detailed step by step.

I’ve listed it in my Etsy, ArtFire and Zibbet, so one can choose their preferred Market place. There is a bit of a bonus with a percentage discount on ArtFire (Comment and Patrons). The other markets don’t offer this yet.

Ok, but what about if you already have the ‘New Crackle” Tutorial? Well, you could just create your own bangles I suppose, lol. I was thinking of offering just the bracelet as a project part, so one can use their own technique along with it and just learn my tips and method, but it gets to be a bit confusing when listing. This was the case with my Batik Flower tutorial, where I offered a tutorial with the technique and the project and then the project alone. I sold very few of the project alone that I stopped offering it.

I could use some opinions on this…

Aug 4, 2012

Busy Bee

And how to keep up with it all. I’m buzzing like a bee, both mentally and physically…back and forth from item to item, things to photograph, chores to be done like laundry, things to be written up and tagged, my turn cooking dinner, appointments, and some days I have that sense I didn’t get much done even though I really have when I look back. It’s been almost 2 weeks since I posted and meant to much sooner. It’s become too easy to use Facebook, but am realizing THAT part is becoming almost too overwhelming. For a while I got added to a whole bunch of different Groups and there are so many for polymer clay now. I mean how much can you handle and keep track of!? I decided to stick with a couple, but needed to go ‘no notification’ just for a while. I’m almost afraid to be left out of the loop!…but just don’t have the time and energy to social network as I’d like to. I know it’s good PR, but something has got to give. I also belong to a Beader’s Cafe since I also do beadwork. And the swaps I’ve participated in. I really enjoyed those and they really help renew that creativity. Just mailed my last item. I hosted a Polymer Clay Swap on the Facebook Group with the same name. Window Ornaments is or was the Theme. I can’t show you yet as my partner Kimberly hasn’t received hers yet, but soon!! August 15th is the deadline and we’ll be doing a blog hop then.
Anyway…this past week I spent a lot of time making these!!
…not enough! I need another batch this coming week, lol. If you feel like making these, I have a series of tutorials . And here are other things I’ve been making to turn into earrings and pendants…Maybe you’re familiar with my Batik and Shimmer (also found on ArtFire). I have two tutorials for this technique. A lot of people I meet ask me how I make them and when I describe it, it seems way over their head, especially for someone never having worked with polymer clay before. But…the occasional person will say “ohhh, is that like Fimo?” YES!! and that makes me feel excited in a good way. People don’t call it Philo or Filo anymore!! you know…that pastry stuff, lol. Used to get that a lot. Not anymore. Yay!
I’ve also made a few other pebbles for jewelry. Maybe I should just sell the beads…
There are many other things non-polymer clay but more resin in nature…
I could show you more things I made, but that would mean taking more photos. Next time! Tomorrow is a reward day. A visit with an old friend I haven’t seen in a few years and then a couple of hours at the Lake!! yay…see you soon.

Jul 22, 2012

Soup’s on!

Now that my partner Stefanie has received her Bead Soup mix I can reveal what I have sent her. I sent a big variety. We’re supposed to send one Focal Bead, a nice Clasp and Coordinating beads that must be used in at least one piece we create. We must at the very least create something with the focal bead and the clasp.
I decided to send something Canadian since Stefanie sent me something German…Chocolate…mmm… and Gummy Bears…mmm. I love Gummy Bears, lol.  Ok…well, I didn’t send edibles, but beads such as Metal Totem Beads (Orca, Pookmas, Thunderbird and Eagle), a really nice quality of flash Labradorite rondelles, Hematite and BC Jade.
The Focal Bead I sent, well, I sent 2 because one can be used as a Focal or as a clasp. I made this one from polymer clay and resin and the other one is a swirl lentil polymer clay bead.
These are the Coordinating beads I sent, although there is another clasp, a fold over magnetic one which I really like. I included some of my handmade faux coral, Lampwork, chevron trade beads, a Nepal bead, spacer beads and African glass.
And there is more! I wasn’t sure how much or how little to send. On the left are some of my pink handmade polymer clay flowers, more pink polymer clay beads, blue African glass, green African sinter glass, Turquoise nuggets, Czech glass stars and pink crazy lace agate.
I blogged in my last post what Stefanie sent me, but have to admit I am having trouble with some of the beads as any one of them could be a focal since there aren’t really any pairs for the larger ones, so the obvious choice seems to be the copper heart as a focal, along with the chain and of course the copper clasp. I’m too spoiled making my own beads with polymer clay and I’m not sure what to do with all the single little beads yet either as I tend to work symmetrically or with pairs. The challenge is ON!! I will make this work as these are some of my favorite colours! The  green jade discs might work for some earrings.Oh boy, what did I get myself into!!! haha. Helps creativity! yes it does.3-DSC07622
There is also this extra little pack of stuff…what to make, what to make!? Again…what did I get myself into!!! lol…I know I will do something with these. After all it’s a create challenge too, right?
I’m looking forward seeing what Stefanie will create with all the beads I’ve sent and I’ve been checking her blog, but she hasn’t updated since May Sad smile so hopefully she will soon as we’re supposed to share not only our finished creations, but about the bead soups themselves.
Anyway…it’s Sunday, I’m going to make some Coffee and get busy. Help!!! lol

Jul 19, 2012

Summer blog hops, birthdays and gifts

While many are wishing for some rain and cooler weather, our summer has been unseasonably cool and when the sun does come out it gets foggy and you guessed it …even cooler! Just on the other side Vancouver Islanders have been enjoying some Hawaiian Winter temperatures. Well, maybe next month we get some here…I can only hope.

Not that it really matters. I’m having to work and so it’s been difficult to maintain my blog. Even the 52 Earrings a Year, while I’m making many earrings right now, I haven’t had much time photographing anything before it’s packed in a box and being sent away. I have to try and pause a little to photograph more! Over the last couple of days I made 160 polymer clay starfish, sand dollars and scallop shell Earrings, 40 pairs of gemstone earrings and taking a breather to write this, lol.  So how do I make myself have some fun? It can’t be all work and no play right? Yay! Lori Anderson’s Bead Soup Blog hop…I received my beads from my partner Stefanie Teufel in Germany who hopefully will soon receive the beads I sent her. Come on Canada Post! Hurry up!! Here is the Bead Soup Stefanie sent me, including some of my fave real fruity gummy bears and Fine Dark and Peppery Chocolate. Imagine, pink pepper!! Surprisingly decadent! Among the copper chain, heart and clasp are some Turquoise and Jade disc beads, Agate, some lampwork, Indian Clay beads and a crochet bead.6-DSC07619

Wonder what I’ll be making…but here is also a second set that might make a cute charm. I like the filigree button. We’re supposed to create something with at least the focal and clasp…so stay tuned for the reveal date…August 11th.


My Father in law was visiting for a few days. We helped him celebrate his 83rd birthday  and I made him this pen holder which he was quite happy about. Here he is with my daughter and a yummy chocolate cake my husband made. I may be crafty, but I suck at making cake, lol.


The penholder made with my Orinendo Technique, in case you are curious about it. This one I made a sort of turquoise green mix. I actually made this whole thing in a hurry because my husband decided that maybe we should have some gifts along with that cake. I had about 2 hours to come up with something before he would arrive in town. I got it done just in time. To cool it faster I plopped it into a bucket of cold water…


So much more to tell you about…but it’s early morning and I better go to bed, haha. Stay tuned for more soon. I promise I won’t let this blog hang another 2 weeks…

Jun 27, 2012

6th Bead Soup Block Party


Life is busy, especially this time of year, but I didn’t hesitate to join Lori Anderson´s Bead Soup Block Party! Yay!! I participated in the exciting Pantone 2012 Bead Swap which didn’t involve a Blog hop, but this one does. Remember the OWOH blog hop? This is my first time participating in this Party and there are 400 participants. Wowsa! eh? You can visit all the participants and their blogs here.

This is a huge Party, so there are 3 reveal dates. I’m in the 2nd one which is August 11th when we are to show what we have created with the bead soup mix we are sent. The way it works is participants get partnered up by Lori and we send each other a fancy clasp, a focal bead/pendant and some coordinating beads. My partner is Stefanie Teufel from Germany. Hop on over to Stefanie’s blog and see what she is up to!

Jun 26, 2012

Texture and micro urchins

I love the bumpy texture and patterns of sea urchins. I’ve been creating molds, beads and cabochons using urchins for some time and was able to create some pretty small ones, but nothing like these. My daughter found these while snorkelling. Aren’t they adorable?? One of them is smaller than a penny!


I didn’t use the smallest one to make a mold as they are extremely fragile. I strengthened the slightly larger ones before using them. I then created these pendants. I’ll be creating more of these pendants as well as beads and cabochons to list in my shops. Aren’t they cute? I love the bumpy texture.


About texture, I also created this one with my Hibiscus silkscreen


…and the ‘New Crackle’. Hard to imagine, but both the pink and the blue lines are polymer clay…I wasn’t too sure initially  but do like the contrast of pink, purple and blue.


Jun 15, 2012

Matchbox Amulets

I was asked last summer at the Retreat here if I would write a tutorial for my Amulets and was going to teach how to make these at an upcoming Mini- Retreat which unfortunately isn’t going to take place now.

I started these tutorials some time back and have to say they have been the most difficult for me to write. Those that have purchased my tutorials in the past know that I’m a very visual teacher. I don’t just show a photo without words, nor offer words without sufficient photos. These tutorials are packed with both. Perhaps some will feel that wearable purses are out of style...never! Plus with these you have the option of making them pocket style. Who says they need a cord!

click on the photos to take you to the links for more info on each one…If you decide to purchase the combo, it’s $18 for both tutorials.
 Of course here is part 1 and ready made boxes if you don't feel like making your own. I've pre made some in various colors (and other sizes if you like). The prefab box has been cut, scored (pre-folded) and all that you need to do is glue them.

I hope you join me in creating some Amulets!
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