Showing posts with label 52 Earrings a Year. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 52 Earrings a Year. Show all posts

Aug 29, 2012

Good to the last drop

We usually say that about coffee, but here I actually mean that about resin. Not the UV resin you’ve heard me talk about so many times before, but the resin. Yes, it’s definitely my new love! It’s a 2:1 ratio resin rather than a 1:1 ratio that most other resins use for combination of Resin and Hardener. I find I just can’t go wrong with this one. I posted a little about it back in April. I’ve tried 1:1 ratio resins but sometimes ended up with beautiful but unusable tacky pieces which I sadly had to toss. And UV resin, while it has great uses, the annoying thing is that you can’t mix opaque stuff into it. And for the LW resin, I don’t have to wait for the sun to shine (here in the North, haha), or plug in my Aluminum foil lined Lunar Excursion Module (LEM) UV oven. Blablabla…ok here is a little idea with a bit more blablabla attached, lol. Notice the teardrop ends of the beads? I’m entering these in the 52 earrings a year which I have fallen behind in. I’m planning on catching up!


I normally use these cute silver little headpins with the round ball ends or the plain flat hammered end ones which I have so many of. Then this idea hit me…why not make some!!

When done working with a batch of resin, as instructed you can wipe the cup with a paper towel to then being able to reuse the cup. But now I make use of those last few drops before wiping it. Well,in case you’re wondering how I then cure them…here they are…


I just used Scotch Tape and taped the pins onto the shelf above my head. They’re not drippy at all, but you could place a sheet of printer paper underneath just in case you have your coffee there or whatever, lol.

Mine are black because I used Fran’s magical black powder that is used with her Dichro tutorial (the video of which you can watch in my April link above). You could also use glitter or colorful embossing powders.

Stay tuned for asap…

May 15, 2012

52 pairs of Earrings a Year

I’m a little behind and had legitimate reasons which I won’t get into, but I’m glad to say I am once more caught up with this challenge. 52 pairs of Earrings a Year… I’m happy to present…
#17 with the Theme “Tangerine Tango” for which I created simple enough triangular pendants with my Batik & Shimmer technique
For week #18 which is an open theme, I created resin monarch butterflies
Week #19 had another theme which was ANYTHING FAUX…so here they are, some of my faux ROMAN COINS.

Week #20 or May 13-19 is the open theme for which I created some traditional beaded earrings with goldstone coins and glass bead fringes.
and I have another new thing…isn’t it interesting?? (I have another that looks exactly the same)
what is it you may ask?
My new hearing aides!!!! YAY!!! Those of you (you know who you are) who helped to make this purchase possible, I thank you. So much technology packed into a box that measures a mere 1 inch. These are now my favourite pairs of earrings! I have 4 programs for these, general, speech in noise, outdoors and music. My favourite setting is speech in noise which doesn’t amplify all the sounds distant and near as it does for the general setting, but only amplifies sound in the immediate area. The receiver has a telecoil which automatically tunes the aides to my analog phone when I place the receiver near my ear. I avoided the phone for far too long. No more excuses! Next time I’m in the city, I’ll have the programs tweaked a bit more, but they are pretty darn good!

Apr 19, 2012

Crackle Focals and 52 Earrings a Year #15

The polymer clay focals I made a few days ago, I assembled them into this necklace and earring set. I’m entering the earrings as my #15 which was an Easter Theme. While mine aren’t bunnies or eggs nor anything remotely religious, I feel the floral aspect and colours could be interpreted as Easter.
I’ve also made a few other pendants with my New Crackle. As you may have heard, this crackle does not leave any paint on your clay, but only the visible cracks. Here is a nice close-up…

I’ll be assembling these into a similar necklace and earring set as the one above.

Apr 1, 2012

Inkjet and Faux Jade Rose Earrings

I made two earrings this week for the 52 Earrings a Year Challenge. The theme was Twigs for #13 and for #14 I chose to make Faux Jade Ear gauges. I believe I’m now caught up with the challenge!

Well, trees aren’t exactly twigs, but these leaf-less trees reminded me of twigs, so I made Inkjet transfers on Kato polyclay and then covered them with resin. I altered the sky to give it a pink hue. Some ‘twigs’ of coral beads and iris purple glass beads dangling from them complete this pair.


For #14 I chose to make a Faux Nephrite Jade and turned them into faux ear gauges with some roses. I couldn’t fit the stud properly on the hard bust. They fit a person much better, but I don’t have any live models. the little swirl on the stud isn’t supposed to be sticking out, but one gets the idea of the look.


#15’s theme is going to be Easter. I’m not into Bunnies and Eggs sort of thing, so will have to think that one out…maybe I’ll be inspired by something a bit more spiritual…stay tuned.

Mar 27, 2012

Tentacles and out of the box

I’m really in the mood to make some non-regular Earrings, ear hangers, gauges, posts, clip-on type. Although I like any style of familiarity when it comes to earrings, I feel the need to get out of using the same style of hooks and just dangling something from them. Those have become too routine and I need to get out of the box and explore a bit more. Anyone else feel like that?

Just recently when I made these dragons #8, my mother who is turning the big seven O this year requested to please send them to her. I asked if she really would want to wear these and she replied “oh YES!” I already had someone else request them, so made another pair. Then she saw these and wanted them too. She still looks good with her auburn long hair, so yes, I can imagine them, but requested a photo…not sure if she’ll let me post it here tho, lol.

So, after my daughter snagged these earrings, I went about and created this similar pair as well as the next with faux glass droplets which is number 12 on the 52 earrings a year challenge. Both use my crackle technique.DSC07179


The next is #13 and has a Theme…”Twigs” and a few people have already begun to post them…so I better work on that, although the above pair looks kind of twiggy.

Mar 21, 2012

Happy Spring!

It’s officially Spring, but can’t tell by our weather…we had snow today. Wondering why we couldn’t have had this on Christmas, lol. Actual Winter seems to be starting later and later, although I heard Saskatchewan had summer temps of 26 Degrees. Weird or what! We’ve been having Hurricanes and pelting hail, then sunshine, all in one day but the only heat is from the fireplace…

Anyway, about winds…the last couple of days were an absolute whirlwind, since my newest Crackle Technique was Featured on Polymer Clay Daily! The result was just like the title says! Absolutely amazing! Thanks Cynthia! lol


I wanted to post these earrings sooner. They are my #11 in the 52 Earrings a Year Challenge on Flickr. The theme is ‘Spring’ and fitting for this 1. day thereof.  Wondering which ones to submit??


Mar 14, 2012

Playing catch up

I’ve had to do some catching up with a whole bunch of things at home here, but also meant to post more earrings and I’m behind. So I’m posting my #9 and #10 Earrings at the same time. This is for the Earring Challenge which you can visit by clicking on the widget to the right of this post.

These earrings weren’t really challenging in the sense of execution, but a challenge with the time limitations I’m having at the moment. Hope to come up with something better for #11 which has a Theme “Spring”. wish me luck! (it’s been stormy, hailing and snow.I could use a little Spring, lol)

#9 are some Faux hammered Copper Earrings. To make the hammered look, I used a stylus to emboss the clay and then applied metallic copper mica.

faux copper

#10 Hawaiian Hibiscus Crackle with resin. I used my New Crackle Technique along with one of my stencils. I silkscreened the Hibiscus with copper paint.


Mar 3, 2012

52 Earrings a Year #8 Lucky Dragon

Number 8 is considered a Lucky number in Chinese and Japanese Culture although for slightly different reasons. It’s only fitting then that my 8th earring would be a dragon since this is also the Year of the Dragon. In the Chinese Zodiac, the Dragon is the mightiest of the signs. Dragons symbolize such character traits as dominance and ambition. Dragons prefer to live by their own rules and if left on their own, are usually successful. They’re driven, unafraid of challenges, and willing to take risks. There is much more to be said about this sign, but Dragons aren’t just found in Asian Culture but pervade much of Nordic and Germanic Mythology also and probably many other cultures as well.
2012 is the year of the Water Dragon. Water calms the Dragon’s fire. Water Dragons are able to see things from other points of view. They don’t have the need to always be right. Their decisions, if well-researched, are usually better since they allow others to become involved. This is my interpretation for an earring…You can be involved in commenting about it…Smile
“Pyra”, a Fire Dragon, is not too amused having this little guy crawl all over her, but she’s fairly patient. She’s turning a little red, so I better give her a breather and put this nameless little guy in the ear of the Venus bust…Just a little fun! Can be worn a few different ways…
While I was at it I made another pair of simple spirals which can also be worn a few different ways…
or like this…
SSSSlithering precioussss ssssomethings, these ones were made with a crackled texture…I think I’m going to make more along those lines.
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