Apr 8, 2012

Pearls and a new Resin obsession

Pearls and Polymer Clay: The last couple of days I’ve been assembling some of the many “Batik & Shimmer” and “Low Relief” pendants I’ve been creating and amassing into a rather large collection. I’m rather happy with these 3 and 5 pendant necklaces with pearl clusters and chains. The chains are a little longer than how I can fit on the bust and sit more in line with the beading.
Resin and Cabochons:
Besides my continual work with polymer clay, my usual application of surface resin has turned into a bit of a resin obsession. Right now I’m in the mood to create sparkly dichroic-like cabochons. These are actually my first pieces with a new type of resin I wanted to try. They will get better I’m sure, but am really very happy with these.
I am so impressed with this stuff. For one it doesn’t have any noticeable odour when mixing or curing. Second, it is easy to measure with a 2 to 1 ratio (rather than UV method, or the standard 1 to 1 ratios with the smelly types). If you are odour sensitive like I am, you will really appreciate this. Third, and I think this may be helpful with polymer clay creations…the resin stays bendy for a period of time before curing to its full hardness. This allows one to manipulate the resin piece into a curved shape! I haven’t tried baking a cured piece with my clay yet…will report if it’s ok or not…Fourth, the site has plenty of tips, projects, inspiration, even video tutorials and helpful supplies such as doming ‘drip trays’.
This resin and system is the brainchild of Fran Valera of “Little Windows”. I have to admit that I’ve had immediate success with this system, better than any other type. 1 to 1 ratio resins while satisfying when they worked, sometimes they would stay tacky, disappointing when you made a big batch of pendants! or my Epoxy UV resin would suddenly only cure on the surface and then slide off the project (NOT Magic Glos, that UV resin is fine) The other downside with the Epoxy UV resin, you can only cure thin layers at a time and wouldn’t be able to mix dark inclusions into this as light can’t penetrate dark matter to allow curing underneath. With this Little Windows ™ resin you can mix in all kinds of dry things such as embossing powder, glitter, mica powders, metal pulver…
Fran teaches you how to make these beauties with this and other fun videos…
Btw…if you do decide to make a purchase and want to try this for yourself, there is a little referral on the site. You’d make me really happy if you said Tina Holden sent you.


Apr 3, 2012

Want a Signature Stamp?

Have you considered a signature stamp for your polymer clay items, but the expense has been holding you back? You need no longer delay. You can get one for Free! Huh?? Really?? How!? Through Vistaprint!  How can they can give away things for free or for so cheaply? I’ve been dealing with them for quite a while now and have been very happy with their products and services. Less than 2 weeks ago I ordered 100 Postcards (both sides printed), 250 business cards (both sides printed), 280 matching address labels, 250 Earring cards(both sides printed) and my signature stamp, just $35 including tax and shipping. Pretty amazing, huh?
My real signature isn’t decipherable, so I wouldn’t want one with my actual signature. I didn’t choose the free one either since I wanted to have control of the font size (that's a penny in the left photo beside the stamped polymer clay piece). Still, for less than $4 I now have what I’ve been wanting for a while. The self-inking stamp with personalized plate comes un-mounted which is great since I just want to use the little rubber stamp to imprint my polymer clay work. The box says ‘made in Austria’ Smile
This is one of my Earring Cards. I have some customized printing on the back. The front is nice and simple. Vistaprint has all sorts of photos and designs to choose from, one can even upload their own designs or jpg. I used to print my own earring cards, but the cardstock isn’t as sturdy as this business card is.
No, they didn’t compensate me for this great review, lol, but I wanted to pass this good deal on to you. Oh, and yes, the earrings are for sale…

Apr 1, 2012

Inkjet and Faux Jade Rose Earrings

I made two earrings this week for the 52 Earrings a Year Challenge. The theme was Twigs for #13 and for #14 I chose to make Faux Jade Ear gauges. I believe I’m now caught up with the challenge!

Well, trees aren’t exactly twigs, but these leaf-less trees reminded me of twigs, so I made Inkjet transfers on Kato polyclay and then covered them with resin. I altered the sky to give it a pink hue. Some ‘twigs’ of coral beads and iris purple glass beads dangling from them complete this pair.


For #14 I chose to make a Faux Nephrite Jade and turned them into faux ear gauges with some roses. I couldn’t fit the stud properly on the hard bust. They fit a person much better, but I don’t have any live models. the little swirl on the stud isn’t supposed to be sticking out, but one gets the idea of the look.


#15’s theme is going to be Easter. I’m not into Bunnies and Eggs sort of thing, so will have to think that one out…maybe I’ll be inspired by something a bit more spiritual…stay tuned.

Mar 28, 2012

Reusing and simple photography box

Who these days still listens to cassette tapes? Probably no one, but hey, if 8-tracks and LP’s could make a Retro comeback, why not these! I still have a dozen Maxell cassette tapes in their wrapper if they should become a collectible, lol. And a cassette tape recorder in working order. Well, the quality just isn’t like digital is, but neither are 8-tracks or LP’s. Maybe they just take us back to the good old days.

Anyway, I stored my polymer clay on a shelf but thought it wasn’t such a good idea in the winter since I have the heat on a lot and heat rises…so when hubby asked me if I wanted 4 old cassette tape drawers I immediately thought of clay storage. They have convenient slots, but the problem was when I opened the drawer, the weight of the blocks would knock themselves over and off the back of the drawers which made it impossible to close again. So I cut some cardboard from a cereal box (Cornflakes anyone?) and made backs for the drawers. Now they work. I have plenty more clay refills in a bigger box stored in a cool dark place, but for a quick fix I have these drawers. I just labelled them so I know where to find which colour. My printer sits on one and open blocks of clay are in a decorative tin.


Here is my photo studio. I accidentally deleted a photography how to from 5 years ago…oops. But here is a simple way to photograph your items…with a frosted tote bin. I lined it with white poster board, but use other decorative papers (and some of my water colours) as backdrops. My desk lights are long daylight tubes, so I don’t need any other lighting.


Mar 27, 2012

Tentacles and out of the box

I’m really in the mood to make some non-regular Earrings, ear hangers, gauges, posts, clip-on type. Although I like any style of familiarity when it comes to earrings, I feel the need to get out of using the same style of hooks and just dangling something from them. Those have become too routine and I need to get out of the box and explore a bit more. Anyone else feel like that?

Just recently when I made these dragons #8, my mother who is turning the big seven O this year requested to please send them to her. I asked if she really would want to wear these and she replied “oh YES!” I already had someone else request them, so made another pair. Then she saw these and wanted them too. She still looks good with her auburn long hair, so yes, I can imagine them, but requested a photo…not sure if she’ll let me post it here tho, lol.

So, after my daughter snagged these earrings, I went about and created this similar pair as well as the next with faux glass droplets which is number 12 on the 52 earrings a year challenge. Both use my crackle technique.DSC07179


The next is #13 and has a Theme…”Twigs” and a few people have already begun to post them…so I better work on that, although the above pair looks kind of twiggy.

Mar 21, 2012

Happy Spring!

It’s officially Spring, but can’t tell by our weather…we had snow today. Wondering why we couldn’t have had this on Christmas, lol. Actual Winter seems to be starting later and later, although I heard Saskatchewan had summer temps of 26 Degrees. Weird or what! We’ve been having Hurricanes and pelting hail, then sunshine, all in one day but the only heat is from the fireplace…

Anyway, about winds…the last couple of days were an absolute whirlwind, since my newest Crackle Technique was Featured on Polymer Clay Daily! The result was just like the title says! Absolutely amazing! Thanks Cynthia! lol


I wanted to post these earrings sooner. They are my #11 in the 52 Earrings a Year Challenge on Flickr. The theme is ‘Spring’ and fitting for this 1. day thereof.  Wondering which ones to submit??


Mar 14, 2012

Playing catch up

I’ve had to do some catching up with a whole bunch of things at home here, but also meant to post more earrings and I’m behind. So I’m posting my #9 and #10 Earrings at the same time. This is for the Earring Challenge which you can visit by clicking on the widget to the right of this post.

These earrings weren’t really challenging in the sense of execution, but a challenge with the time limitations I’m having at the moment. Hope to come up with something better for #11 which has a Theme “Spring”. wish me luck! (it’s been stormy, hailing and snow.I could use a little Spring, lol)

#9 are some Faux hammered Copper Earrings. To make the hammered look, I used a stylus to emboss the clay and then applied metallic copper mica.

faux copper

#10 Hawaiian Hibiscus Crackle with resin. I used my New Crackle Technique along with one of my stencils. I silkscreened the Hibiscus with copper paint.


Mar 3, 2012

52 Earrings a Year #8 Lucky Dragon

Number 8 is considered a Lucky number in Chinese and Japanese Culture although for slightly different reasons. It’s only fitting then that my 8th earring would be a dragon since this is also the Year of the Dragon. In the Chinese Zodiac, the Dragon is the mightiest of the signs. Dragons symbolize such character traits as dominance and ambition. Dragons prefer to live by their own rules and if left on their own, are usually successful. They’re driven, unafraid of challenges, and willing to take risks. There is much more to be said about this sign, but Dragons aren’t just found in Asian Culture but pervade much of Nordic and Germanic Mythology also and probably many other cultures as well.
2012 is the year of the Water Dragon. Water calms the Dragon’s fire. Water Dragons are able to see things from other points of view. They don’t have the need to always be right. Their decisions, if well-researched, are usually better since they allow others to become involved. This is my interpretation for an earring…You can be involved in commenting about it…Smile
“Pyra”, a Fire Dragon, is not too amused having this little guy crawl all over her, but she’s fairly patient. She’s turning a little red, so I better give her a breather and put this nameless little guy in the ear of the Venus bust…Just a little fun! Can be worn a few different ways…
While I was at it I made another pair of simple spirals which can also be worn a few different ways…
or like this…
SSSSlithering precioussss ssssomethings, these ones were made with a crackled texture…I think I’m going to make more along those lines.

Feb 10, 2012

Crackled Cane and Funky Tentacles

My crackle technique is not ordinary. It doesn’t cover up or hide the original surface of polymer clay like other crackle mediums or Gold Leaf for instance. Applying it to polymer clay and rolling the clay through smaller settings on the pasta machine will crackle the leafing, and the only original part of the clay showing through will be the cracks.

Here is an example of what I mean. I made a simple bullseye cane and applied little slices to the clay sheet. I rolled it smooth and then applied the crackle medium. When finished you can still see the canes. You can do this with Mokume gane, or my Orinendo, the Faux Ceramic or even Dichroic as well. I think this would make some interesting beads. You can find my crackle technique tutorial here and the other ones are there as well.


I made these earrings and necklace today. This is Earring set #7 in the 52 Earrings a Year Challenge. i crackled red clay and added some wire. Looks like I want to keep them. If you look closely you can just barely see the Hearing aid behind my ear and a wire running inside of it Open-mouthed smile .

I’ll be making more of these Funky Tentacles. I have a lot of ideas burning…


This is a matching necklace and more earrings…more on the way…


Close up



Kind of a strange style for me, but I like it, sort of like a coral…

Feb 9, 2012

52 pairs of Earrings #5 and #6 and Macro Photography

I promised to talk more about the Lens attachment I got for my P&S (Point and Shoot) Camera and will do so, but first want to show you my latest earrings for the 52 pairs of Earrings a Year Challenge on Flickr. These two will catch me up. Both are made with polymer clay and wire. The flowers and faux glass pieces are polymer clay.
close up of ‘glass’. The frosted look makes these look less transparent, but I’m still happy with the translucency. This photo, and the one above were taken with the ‘Little Big shot’ attachment lens.
These earrings were shot with just the regular macro setting on my Sony Camera This was as close as possible and not quite clear or crisp enough. The attachment really makes the subject look clearer which is hard to do with only a 3.3 megapixel camera. My Sony is 12 years old.  I figure I should still be able to get a few more years out of it and fills my need.
Am also preparing to make more heart pendants. They aren’t just for Valentines. Also shot with the lens attachment. The heart was done with my Batik and Shimmer technique. Thumbs up
The Macro Little Big Shot is worth having and comes in different sizes to fit your camera or even Smartphone. Visit the Blog, lots of info on a page with easy to understand You Tube videos. I’m so happy I have this little gizmo.  I think you will be too. The small price of $19.99 even includes shipping and a great carry case with clip. Sun
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