Jun 27, 2012

6th Bead Soup Block Party


Life is busy, especially this time of year, but I didn’t hesitate to join Lori Anderson´s Bead Soup Block Party! Yay!! I participated in the exciting Pantone 2012 Bead Swap which didn’t involve a Blog hop, but this one does. Remember the OWOH blog hop? This is my first time participating in this Party and there are 400 participants. Wowsa! eh? You can visit all the participants and their blogs here.

This is a huge Party, so there are 3 reveal dates. I’m in the 2nd one which is August 11th when we are to show what we have created with the bead soup mix we are sent. The way it works is participants get partnered up by Lori and we send each other a fancy clasp, a focal bead/pendant and some coordinating beads. My partner is Stefanie Teufel from Germany. Hop on over to Stefanie’s blog and see what she is up to!

Jun 26, 2012

Texture and micro urchins

I love the bumpy texture and patterns of sea urchins. I’ve been creating molds, beads and cabochons using urchins for some time and was able to create some pretty small ones, but nothing like these. My daughter found these while snorkelling. Aren’t they adorable?? One of them is smaller than a penny!


I didn’t use the smallest one to make a mold as they are extremely fragile. I strengthened the slightly larger ones before using them. I then created these pendants. I’ll be creating more of these pendants as well as beads and cabochons to list in my shops. Aren’t they cute? I love the bumpy texture.


About texture, I also created this one with my Hibiscus silkscreen


…and the ‘New Crackle’. Hard to imagine, but both the pink and the blue lines are polymer clay…I wasn’t too sure initially  but do like the contrast of pink, purple and blue.


Jun 15, 2012

Matchbox Amulets

I was asked last summer at the Retreat here if I would write a tutorial for my Amulets and was going to teach how to make these at an upcoming Mini- Retreat which unfortunately isn’t going to take place now.

I started these tutorials some time back and have to say they have been the most difficult for me to write. Those that have purchased my tutorials in the past know that I’m a very visual teacher. I don’t just show a photo without words, nor offer words without sufficient photos. These tutorials are packed with both. Perhaps some will feel that wearable purses are out of style...never! Plus with these you have the option of making them pocket style. Who says they need a cord!

click on the photos to take you to the links for more info on each one…If you decide to purchase the combo, it’s $18 for both tutorials.
 Of course here is part 1 and ready made boxes if you don't feel like making your own. I've pre made some in various colors (and other sizes if you like). The prefab box has been cut, scored (pre-folded) and all that you need to do is glue them.

I hope you join me in creating some Amulets!

Jun 10, 2012

Nemo’s Garden

A local Gallery asked me to create a few more higher end pieces and of course bead embroidery is one of those things. Polymer Clay accents are an important aspect as I can create my own unique focal pieces for that instead of adding only generic type of stones.

This bracelet cuff dubbed Nemo’s Garden was initially planned to include a few curled waves for the bracelet shape, but the sketched out design didn’t work for me. The other thing I wasn’t too sure of were the colours because I tend to work in dark shades of bronze, hematite, black, oil slick and silver. In general though I’m quite pleased how it turned out including the gentle wave shape. I used polymer clay urchin cabochons, mother of pearl discs, pearls and locally found beach glass. The piece was beaded on perlon fusible webbing, then stitched onto Ultrasuede with an inner aluminum bracelet blank.


May 22, 2012

Watercolor Crackle Bangle and Ammolite

Two new upcoming tutorials!
actually 3, but the third one is a multi-faceted tutorial and is taking me a bit longer, mainly because I’m writing a couple of versions of expanding stretch bracelets, one for polymer clayers and the other for beaders. I’ll post more on this soon.
The next upcoming tutorial is using the watercolor bead method with my ‘New Crackle technique’ in combination. This is a sneak peek at one of the bangles.
And then there is something a bit more exciting, another new technique for Imitative Ammolite. Crackles of golden, red and green chatoyancy. When held at angles metallic shifts…
(of a gem, esp. when cut en cabochon) Showing a band of bright reflected light caused by aligned inclusions in the stone.
I might as well throw in one of my newest cabochons in new colors…I’ll be posting some of these for sale in the next couple of days. Busy busy busy…lol

Summer 2012 Pantone Color Bead Swap

Lori Anderson of Bead Soup Cafe on Facebook hosted another Swap for us, this time a Pantone Color Bead Swap, the theme being Fashion colors for Spring and Summer.
The rules are to send beads in the 10 colors (all of the colors, or just a few, doesn't matter.)
There is NO blog hop for this swap.
There is NO requirement to make anything.
Strictly a bead swap
My partner Toltec Jewels and I agreed to swap all of the colors. I think it’s exciting to swap from the Pacific North Western Coast of Canada to the Eastern Southern Coast of Florida! Here is what I’m sending. I had trouble with a couple of colors, but tried my best. Hope she’ll be pleased with my selection of gemstone, glass and handcrafted polymer clay.
Tangerine Tango
(carnelian, glass, faux amber, amber, handmade polymer clay cabochon)
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Solar Power
(citrine, horn, aragonite, handmade resin cabochons, polymer clay sand dollar)
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(handmade polymer clay lentil beads, glass)
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(polymer clay lentil and thunderbird pendants, mother of pearl, glass, miracle beads)
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Sodalite Blue
(handmade faux lapis Lazuli polymer clay, Sodalite, lampwork and glass)
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(polymer clay flower, lentil and bead, abalone, miracle beads)
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Sweet Lilac
(handmade polymer clay sand dollar and heart, amethyst, mother of pearl, miracle beads)
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(handmade polymer clay focals and flowers, mother of pearl, glass)
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(Polymer clay sea urchin and beads, glass, mother of pearl, dragon scale agate, hematite)
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(handmade polymer clay focal, black-lip shell, glass, labradorite)
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Pretty neat selection, don’t you think? The last swap for the season I’m participating will take place next month. It will have a Bead Blog hop involved and participants will have to create something with the beads. Fun, fun, fun. And speaking of fun, I’m currently working on another tutorial (or two…)

May 15, 2012

52 pairs of Earrings a Year

I’m a little behind and had legitimate reasons which I won’t get into, but I’m glad to say I am once more caught up with this challenge. 52 pairs of Earrings a Year… I’m happy to present…
#17 with the Theme “Tangerine Tango” for which I created simple enough triangular pendants with my Batik & Shimmer technique
For week #18 which is an open theme, I created resin monarch butterflies
Week #19 had another theme which was ANYTHING FAUX…so here they are, some of my faux ROMAN COINS.

Week #20 or May 13-19 is the open theme for which I created some traditional beaded earrings with goldstone coins and glass bead fringes.
and I have another new thing…isn’t it interesting?? (I have another that looks exactly the same)
what is it you may ask?
My new hearing aides!!!! YAY!!! Those of you (you know who you are) who helped to make this purchase possible, I thank you. So much technology packed into a box that measures a mere 1 inch. These are now my favourite pairs of earrings! I have 4 programs for these, general, speech in noise, outdoors and music. My favourite setting is speech in noise which doesn’t amplify all the sounds distant and near as it does for the general setting, but only amplifies sound in the immediate area. The receiver has a telecoil which automatically tunes the aides to my analog phone when I place the receiver near my ear. I avoided the phone for far too long. No more excuses! Next time I’m in the city, I’ll have the programs tweaked a bit more, but they are pretty darn good!

May 4, 2012

Toy of the Week #3 and 52 Earrings a Year #16

I’ve just received some of the Baroque Gilders’ Pastes. After trying the Viva Decor Inka Gold which are water based, I wanted to compare them. Gilders paste requires turpentine or paint thinner as a means to soften, however you can use your finger, a cloth or a bristle brush to paint with. Hands, fingers and work surface are easily cleaned up with baby wipes.
When I tried to open one of the jars, I found I initially needed the aid of a tool. I use a small screwdriver to pry the lid off for the first time. After this, if you’re careful not to snap the lid down all the way, then it won’t be so difficult to open thereafter. Just like the Viva Decor, some of the paints are soft and smooth and other cakes look a bit cracked and dry. That is the nature of the beast, but they are easily reconstituted with a bit of thinner.
This is the first time I have used these here, for this demonstration. I rolled some copper clay mixed with a bit of ecru and textured with my Steampunk Cogs and Gears stencil. I also textured a dark silver sheet so the pendants created will have texture on both sides and will be reversible.
I choose some round cutters for my pendants. I think I won’t need to demonstrate here how to use them as this isn’t really a tutorial, just a quick demo. If you are one who has purchased one of my tutorials, I tend to show all the steps for a more visual tutorial, but I won’t do this here. The next thing I’m preparing is a design from a mold. I chose my Flower cabochon mold. I wet these molds with a little bit of water as a release agent. Condition and roll a bit of clay, push into mold, texture the back if you like. The nice thing using a texture is that it also lifts the molded piece out of the mold instead of having to pry it from the mold and risk deforming it. You can use sandpaper, fabric, sand paper…
While one can measure more accurate amounts for a cabochon, in this case I use an oval cutter. I rather like the Makins Cutters as they are very reasonably priced and readily available through Michaels, online polymer clay suppliers or kitchen or baking supply shops. The oval cutter creates a clean edge.
Then I bake my pieces. For the green beads I used the Hawaiian Hibiscus stencil, the Patina and Iris Blue Gilders paste on a medium shade of green clay as a base. Then I added just a hint of Inca Gold. I didn’t use a cloth to apply, just my finger. For the piece in the second photo I used a stamp and applied the same paints with my finger.
For the copper base clay cabochon I first used a bristle brush and applied Patina, and then rubbed off the Patina on the surface, so it was just left in the crevices. I highlighted the high points with a bit of copper gilders paste. For the second cabochon I only used black with a brush and wiped off the paint from the raised parts. Apparently these are very durable without any fixative, but to be on the safe side you could use a spray on varnish or brush on varnish such as Sculpey Glaze or Preserve your Memories II Spray, something like that.
Here are some other things I made and the finished earrings and cabochons…The Earrings are my #16 on the 52 pairs of Earrings a Year challenge. I need to hurry up with my tangerine tango #17 and am a week behind…
Not bad for my first try. Not sure if I like the shoe polish odor, lol
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