Jan 31, 2008

It's been a heart day at work...

Making Polymer Clay hearts that is. Not the only thing I did, but its been a hard day. Seems this year there is a lot more interest about Valentine's Day. Don't know why, but even I am engrossed in it and hubby is even asking if I'll prefer Hershey or real kisses, lol. (what if I like BOTH! I can't just choose ONE!) Sentimentals aside...
First it was one heart, then another and pretty soon I ended up making small hearts, big hearts, red ones, green ones, multi-colour, stamped, embossed. You know how when you start something you can't stop. Here are just a few of what I've made...made earrings to match too, teeny hearts.

Jan 27, 2008

Whats up?

Funny way of asking 'what is happening'. Well, up here...or OVER here, on the West Coast, we actually received a huge amount of snow overnight. The snow stuck on the trees and there are about 30 cm of snow outside. Couldn't believe it when I woke up. You might think that in Canada we live in Igloos or something, lol, but not here on Vancouver Islands West Coast! We have the warmest climate in Canada, probably because we're so close to the ocean. LOOK AT THAT! lol...do I sound excited? I guess I AM! The picture was taken while the sky was dark, but now it is completely sunny and the snow is already melting again.

So I'm stuck indoors as I'm NOT driving in snow...not used to it is more like it ;)
Instead I spent the day listing a whole bunch of my polymer clay beads on my Etsy. I'm getting a few views, but no bites yet, even though I have some fish beads listed, lol. My shipping costs are very reasonable for Canadian costs which are a real bummer really, but I have to compete with a lot of other countries there.

Jan 23, 2008

Easy to use Calculator...

I should have known better, lol, than to list a math problem with 'sine' in it when even I don't have one of THOSE calculators sitting around the house anymore and my daughter just moved out and took hers with her. Sorry about that, folks. Anyway, still want to know how to calculate Murphy's Law? Here's an easy to use calculator, just enter numbers and they do the calculations for you: http://andrew.triumf.ca/cgi-bin/murphy.html
(After you enter all the numbers hit 'submit' and the answer shows up right beneath it).

According to the calculator I have a 17% chance of screwing up my urgent project which is due in a couple of days and that I had better get someone to 'proof-read' it. I guess that'll be my editor, lol. I guess 17% isn't so bad.
What numbers did you get? Let me know.

Jan 19, 2008

Long necklaces

Decided to make a lariat with the 'mix of green' polymer clay beads. The lariat turned out to be 53" long and actually looks good as a belt too. Most of the beads are polymer clay, but I added Kambaba Jasper, lemon quartz and serpentine to it. Again, some of my handforged steel scrolls add to the element. Finished with some polymer clay snails.

Inukshuks and new beads

Its beadmaking day...inukshuks from polymer clay and other beads and pendants with various inclusions. Now that they are made, assemblage required...almost like 'batteries not included'. Will have to put on my thinking cap. The inukshuks are fine on just simple buna with clasps, but the other beads...

Jan 12, 2008

PEBLS, Toggles, Wire and getting wired...

Using some of my handmade polymer clay Pebls alongside one of my new toggle clasps which I made a few days ago. Hammered and forged some heavy wire links.
I'll be doing a demo at the upcoming "Sojourn" and figure I need to be prepared a bit better than having my supplies on hand. I'll have 30 minutes to show various techniques and am not too used to having a time-limit, so this evening I'll use a timer and do a 'step by step' for my daughter and see what I can fit in. There are so many techniques for wire, almost endless possibilities, but I'll keep my focus on earring hooks, hoops, wire frames, how to manipulate wire and texture it. I guess the only thing I'm not looking forward to is bringing my heavy tapping block as I'll be carrying not only my pastamachine and clay by bus, but also this 2 lb block of steel, lol. I think I'll better plan on a 'rolling' suitcase, although I'll still have to limit myself to what I can lift! Boy, that won't be easy, but I'm getting wired to GO!

Jan 11, 2008

Color Scales in Polymer Clay (part 1)

There's been much talk about colour mixing. Here is a great tutorial by Maggie Maggio . The link will take you to the pdf to print out the template. This is part ONE of two.

Jan 10, 2008

Polymer Clay Toggle Necklace

Made several toggles clasps and need to string them. That's one down, several to go. I made this necklace with a hammered wire scroll concept. The necklace has polymer clay beads, Kambaba Jasper, Turqouise Beads and measures 22 inches plus the leaf toggle. The wire I used is known as baling or stove wire.

Jan 9, 2008

Toggles and Beads

Decided to spend a day making Polymer Clay Toggles and a few Beads. Never could find any pleasing CLASPS to go with my polymer clay work, especially when I don't always want to use metal ones. Sometimes I like the look of a functional clasp in the front that can act as a pendant. Now comes the hard part....trying to decide how to string them, whether to use just polymer clay beads and a few other types of beads or whether to go out on a limb and do something a bit more elaborate which includes wire or wire crochet. Will see. I may do a bit of both. These pics really don't do the toggles justice, but I just didn't have time nor the place to set up my lightbox. My daughter is moving....can you imagine trying to work around piles of laundry? lol

Tomorrow I make some toggles in other shapes...

Jan 6, 2008

Conditioned and ready to go...

Oh Boy...what am I getting into! I knew I was procrastinating for as long as possible...but my New Year's resolution was this ONE thing...cleanup and organize...as soon as NOW!

Truly a 'fresh' start. Two days later finished conditioning all my old clay pieces, sorting them by similar colours and used the little foodprocessor or 'chopper thingy' until the poor thing didn't want to chop no more. I blended dry Fimo with Premo, Kato Polyclay and even some old Promat. Boy, I didn't realize I had so many open packages,!! Got some nice blends though and love this red one....

The Sculpey Diluent (now called Sculpey Softener) helped tremendously. I've got some nice soap sized bars of various colours now. The BEFORE picture is only a small picture portion of what mess I faced on my work table, but its all cleaned up now and yeah, I'm soooo GLAD I kept my New Years resolution ...for once!
Malachite anyone?

Also cleaned my 3 pasta machines following this method by Desiree. Although I couldn't get the cutting rollers out of my one machine that looks like a Trattorina , I took all the fenders out of the machines, lightening their weight and making it easier to clean next time.

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