Mar 11, 2009

OWOH update...

I'm truly disappointed and the recipient of my "OWOH give away" must be even more so. I had mailed this heart to Amy in Nevada.
Amy wrote me the following today:


I just wanted to let you know that I got your envelope. Unfortunately the corner had been ripped of and the pendent was gone. The envelope did say "received in damaged condition" however that seemed like a major understatement since the item was gone, so I thought I'd go in and complain to the Post Office.

Thank you however for offering such a generous giveaway.


I wrote Amy back because I always wrap items carefully. This one was foam wrapped and the envelope was taped shut. I can't help but suspect that someone tore the corner of the envelope intentionally and decided to keep what was inside. Things don't just fall out! Now, I've only made 3 of these hearts and they are all slightly different, but if anyone should happen to this very heart...

Free Polymer Clay Tutorial

I've decided to do a few free tutorials for polymer clay. This is a basic tutorial on conditioning clay and adding inclusions. The lesson is also part of my Bam Bam bracelet as well as my Friendship pin/pendant tutorials. I'm offering it for free because I don't want to have to repeat these simple steps in my paid tutorials, so anything repetitive and/or geared for a beginner will become a free lesson. I'll be doing another one soon.

(just click on the images to enlarge) Note: you do not require black clay for this part...

(click to enlarge)
(click to enlarge)

(click to enlarge)

Mar 9, 2009

Polymer Clay Tutorial

Finished the polymer clay tutorial for the Friendship Hand pendant pin combo. Put it on Etsy, although private purchase is also welcome. I've listed the tutorial for just $7. Also added a kit for $4.50, that includes:

1 Stencil
1 Dragonfly charm pendant
1 pin-pendant combo finding
3 flower heishi spacers
1 2" headpin
1 2" piece of wire
1 African glass bead from recycled glass, turquoise blue
2 4mm Czech fire polish beads
1 small seed bead in peridot green

Here is a snippet of the tutorial itself:
All you need are your basic polymer clay supplies...

Mar 6, 2009

Friendship Hand Pendant-pins in Polymer Clay

Polymer Clay Friendship Hand pendant pin combos with a ceramic-like finish and look. To achieve it I didn't use liquid polymer clay like on other pendants. I find that some liquid clays can mimic ceramics quite well and I've done that, but if the texture is not deeply etched, the liquid clay sort of pools here and there. If you have been following my blog you can probably tell that this colour, an amazonite/teal is my favorite. Black and silver and dark are other colours of choice, but I feel this colour goes year-round and compliments so many colours of clothing.
You may have guessed it, I've been working on turning this into a tutorial, including the imitative ceramic 'circle dot' beads. Should be finished by tomorrow.
The stencil is a little PhotoEz silk screen which I put on Etsy along with some others. The pins will be going up too, just in case anyone wants a finished one, ready to go (smile).

Mar 1, 2009

Kreative and Lemonade Blogger Awards

I'm very flattered to have picked up a couple of Blogger Awards and am finally able to catch up. Thank you to Marre Accessories for rewarding me in such a way. Marre has a few blogs, including one in Estonian! Like myself, Marre creates multi-media jewelry using polymer clay, wire, beads, fiber...Thanks Marre!

The rule is that the ones receiving this reward will write on what inspires them. Hard to say what inspires me as it could be that particular 'moment'! Sometimes it is music I listen to, other times a single word pops into mind, or a colour.

1. Colours. I tend to be dark when it comes to colour. On occasion I will create the odd 'pastel' item, but it is a rare. I'm very drawn to Hematite, a balancing stone. For metal I am drawn to Copper, the metal of Venus and any stone set in copper or used with copper with have an enhanced energy field. Copper even enhances the energy of silver and gold. As for actual colours, I am drawn to Purple, Blue, Green and Amber. The shades vary from lighter to dark, but the mixes will compliment each other. I try not too choose too many shades or colours as to overwhelm a piece and it has to feel 'right', both intuitively and visually.

2. New techniques. I'm forever looking for new methods to adapt and combine with my work. Most of the time I have a hard time just using one particular material or method and will use at least 2 or three techniques to combine and alter into something new. I don't like repetition, although it is a necessity when selling work. I create balance by doing something 'new' in between just to relax and feed the creative energy. Repetition creates stagnation and blocks, so unwinding with learning something new is important to me.

3. Other's work. All the visual eye candy of others' creations. It helps me to get out of the usual mindset and see possibilities and realize the endlessness of them. While I feel that learning a new technique involves copying, imitation or following instructions is not for me. I like to try something new at least once, something that is not the norm for me, such as creating a doll or a hand bound journal, but usually fall back onto what feels the most comfortable which is jewelry. Although I start with a visual project in mind, it doesn't always end up being so. I compare this to going a driftwood and pebbled beach that looks arranged in a particular way, then huge waves come in and change the whole lot! or Forest Gump's box of chocolates....never know what you're gonna get! lol

Easier said than done because I have two awards to pass on. I would like to pass this award on to: Well...the first one is very easy because she's always kreativ...

1. Gera Scott Chandler

2. Naama Zamir

3. Sandy of Simple Inpirations

4. Carolyn and Dave Good

Am glad to be able to hand Gera Scott Chandler an award as it is she who gave me the Lemonade Cart Award. Had to laugh when I got this

Bloggers conferred with this award have shown a positive attitude and gratitude. I'm very grateful, thanks Gera! Although I'm about a month late showing it!...better late than never...?

1. Put the logo on your blog or post
2. Nominate at least 10 blogs that show great Gratitude and/or Attitude.
3. Be sure to list and link your nominees within your post.
4. Let them know they have received this award by leaving a comment on their blog.
5. Nominate your favorites and link to your post.

Ok....easier said than done because I have just handed out 4 awards above....

1. Joan Tayler
2. Violette Laporte
3. Jem Redlich
4. Cheryl Trottier
5. Janis
6. LoopyBoopy

sorry if this falls short....

Feb 26, 2009

Coming Soon....Polymer Clay bracelet sizer tutorial

I did a workshop with these at the recent Horizons Polymer Clay Retreat in Vancouver. It was a fast 'Bam Bam' workshop quite late in the day, so hopefully my students walked away with some interesting info! I think these will be Bam Bam's because they are quick to make too!

First I showed the PhotoEZ stencil process, how to develop and screen them on polymer clay. Then I explained how to make the bracelet size 'specific'. I heard some oooh's and aaah's when that was revealed with my little 'Bam Bam Gizmo', lol. Perhaps you too have struggled with sizing, that when your wrist measures 7" and you use large beads, that your bracelet actually has to be much larger than the 7", or it won't fit....or you made some and they ended up being to small. I invented a sizer that is multi functional unlike the cone shaped sizer on the market. I've been using it ever since, even for beadwork. I'll be writing instructions sometime this coming next week. I'll keep you posted. In the meantime....would you be interested in a tutorial with sizer/kit?...?

Feb 10, 2009

Polymer Clay Baking...Do you bake indoors or out?

It has been very interesting lately to watch a lot of people redo or remodel their polymer clay studios.
What I have noticed is that a lot of polymer clay artists have their ovens right in the studio where they work and am wondering if they have ever given it much thought.

Some clayers may enjoy that smell when baking those projects, and I can't believe those that say they think it smells 'good', ugh!....but if you smell it, my friend, you are ingesting it. Some clayers may say "oh shut up already, I know all about it!"

For years now I've been keeping my oven where it belongs....outside. My polymer chemist husband is the one that made me do it, lol. He said: "It may be alright to open a window while you are baking, but that's no different than smoking a cigarette indoors and trying to blow the smoke outside." Yeah, true (except I quit smoking, lol). By now we all have heard that second hand smoke is bad, right? So, just inhaling polymer clay fumes on a daily, or even weekly basis, any better...? Did you know that 3rd hand smoke is just as toxic as 2nd hand smoke? Smoke that is on clothing, drapes, furniture.....dumda dum, you touch it, you ingest it. Yep, those polymer clay fumes are covering all your furniture and drapes etc. if you bake indoors....I didn't even think about that, did you? I guess we could say ALL our indoor stuff is now polymer clay 'dedicated'!

So... a you bake indoors or outdoors and why or why not?

Feb 9, 2009

Bangles Explosion!

...and a few other Polymer Clay bracelets made with recycled PVC as the base and handmade glass tiles and a stretchy cuff with green blue mica shift.

Realized I hadn't posted in a few days, as I'm busy preparing a whole bunch of things, but my polymer clay just can't wait any longer! Horizons 2009, the Vancouver Polymer Clay Retreat is coming up fast and I'll be doing a workshop with these bangle bracelets. Was going to call them Bang Bangles, as they bang together when one wears two or there, lol, but sounds kind of silly doesn't it...I dunno....mmm.

Jan 30, 2009

Polymer Clay Bracelets and Heart Pendants

More Polymer Clay cuff bracelets, heart pendants and matching earrings. I almost didn't get them done because I use my oven outside the house. Promptly, after pulling them out of the oven did I drop them on the boardwalk and they fell in between the crevasses of the boards. After some coat hanger fishing, I got them all back, phew! Now they are assembled and here are some of do you like the color?

Jan 25, 2009

Polymer clay stenciled bracelet

Working on more polymer clay hearts for Valentines Day, but also on some bracelet designs. This large cuff is so comfortable. I made a mokume gane design for one side and the other has a stenciled design. It is reversible and slightly oval as no wrist is round. I blended some pearlescent with green and turquoise polymer clay and once again used photoEZ as part of the design. What do you think? Would you wear something like this?
Also made some more hearts and put them in etsy (see my sidebar).

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