Showing posts with label earrings. Show all posts
Showing posts with label earrings. Show all posts

Aug 29, 2012

Good to the last drop

We usually say that about coffee, but here I actually mean that about resin. Not the UV resin you’ve heard me talk about so many times before, but the resin. Yes, it’s definitely my new love! It’s a 2:1 ratio resin rather than a 1:1 ratio that most other resins use for combination of Resin and Hardener. I find I just can’t go wrong with this one. I posted a little about it back in April. I’ve tried 1:1 ratio resins but sometimes ended up with beautiful but unusable tacky pieces which I sadly had to toss. And UV resin, while it has great uses, the annoying thing is that you can’t mix opaque stuff into it. And for the LW resin, I don’t have to wait for the sun to shine (here in the North, haha), or plug in my Aluminum foil lined Lunar Excursion Module (LEM) UV oven. Blablabla…ok here is a little idea with a bit more blablabla attached, lol. Notice the teardrop ends of the beads? I’m entering these in the 52 earrings a year which I have fallen behind in. I’m planning on catching up!


I normally use these cute silver little headpins with the round ball ends or the plain flat hammered end ones which I have so many of. Then this idea hit me…why not make some!!

When done working with a batch of resin, as instructed you can wipe the cup with a paper towel to then being able to reuse the cup. But now I make use of those last few drops before wiping it. Well,in case you’re wondering how I then cure them…here they are…


I just used Scotch Tape and taped the pins onto the shelf above my head. They’re not drippy at all, but you could place a sheet of printer paper underneath just in case you have your coffee there or whatever, lol.

Mine are black because I used Fran’s magical black powder that is used with her Dichro tutorial (the video of which you can watch in my April link above). You could also use glitter or colorful embossing powders.

Stay tuned for asap…

Apr 1, 2012

Inkjet and Faux Jade Rose Earrings

I made two earrings this week for the 52 Earrings a Year Challenge. The theme was Twigs for #13 and for #14 I chose to make Faux Jade Ear gauges. I believe I’m now caught up with the challenge!

Well, trees aren’t exactly twigs, but these leaf-less trees reminded me of twigs, so I made Inkjet transfers on Kato polyclay and then covered them with resin. I altered the sky to give it a pink hue. Some ‘twigs’ of coral beads and iris purple glass beads dangling from them complete this pair.


For #14 I chose to make a Faux Nephrite Jade and turned them into faux ear gauges with some roses. I couldn’t fit the stud properly on the hard bust. They fit a person much better, but I don’t have any live models. the little swirl on the stud isn’t supposed to be sticking out, but one gets the idea of the look.


#15’s theme is going to be Easter. I’m not into Bunnies and Eggs sort of thing, so will have to think that one out…maybe I’ll be inspired by something a bit more spiritual…stay tuned.

Feb 6, 2012

Faux Glass Et cetera

So many things are going on my polymer clay studio right now. It’s one of those times where I wish there were two or three of me. As you know I love to experiment and am always challenging myself. I’m analytical and a problem solver, and when a mystery pops up, I’m confronted with the compulsive need to find a solution. ‘Is it possible?’ I keep asking myself. This quirk maybe to a fault because lately, every alternate day when it’s my turn to cook for the family, the meals are quick to prepare Stir fry, casserole, pasta… meal planning is out the window as the mad scientist would rather spend all day dabbling with a little of this and a little of that. Thankfully my cooking still gets compliments and my daughter helps with dishes.
Ok…some new stuff…
Faux Glass…It’s still in the experimental stages, but this may be an upcoming tutorial. Wondering how much interest this would generate? Here are a few pieces. The very light blue set…one is glass the rest are faux. In case you are wondering, the one on the left is the real piece. I think I managed to get the colour realistic enough. Funny thing is when photographing light coloured or see-through items, my camera picks up the bluish tone rather than the white background. My white balance isn’t quite right and my older Sony only allows for Indoor, Outdoor or Auto, but the colour of the glass is this…
To show the difference in translucency, I used a Ring to lean them against. The first piece is real glass, the rest are faux.
I made a few of the tear drop beads in these colours
I felt I should get a few more pieces of jewelry done or at least some components, so made this from the Evergreen sheet I had left.
Then I got to work making a burnt orange crackle sheet. I made the Ring from above, some earrings and really like how the crackle reflects. Straight on there is no glimmer, but held at angles there is.
Some of these close up photos were taken with an attachment that I got for my camera. I have an older Sony style camera that has Macro ability, but not nearly enough close up capability as I would like. I’ll blog about this in my next blog, it’s something that can fit virtually any camera and is super easy on your wallet. Stay tuned…
Until then, drop me a comment…

Dec 17, 2010

No piercing Ear Ornament

A while back I hinted on Earrings for those with no piercings. I've been wanting to wear dangly earrings, but can't stand clip-ons as no matter how gentle they are supposed to be on the lobes, they hurt! I've tried small clip ons, large clip ons, screw ons and even the lightest weight would tug and cause me to take them off within the hour. Then I was inspired when I watched Angelina Jolie in the movie 'Alexander the Great'. The earrings she wore weren't pierced nor clip on...but over the ear hooks, much like ornaments! Hey...presto!

My test version with one of my Batik polymer clay pendants. The hook really isn't visible when hair is worn normally. I've tucked it behind my ears so you can see how it hangs. My next version will add some fancier wire work...

May 31, 2009

Polymer Clay and Fishing Lure Spoons

Sandy from Simple Inspiration did it again. Polymer Clay and Fishing Lures. Got me digging out the trays of fishing lure spoons that I've been storing for years. Seems the April of PolymerCafe has a tutorial using them. Haven't seen it since I canceled my subscription about a year ago. Am certainly missing out on some eye candy!

Some of the lures have a bit of corrosion happening, but nothing that a bit of steel wool won't cure. Back in the early 90's taught my mom how to make Polymer Clay jewelry and she very much like the lures I had gotten from hubby who was a Sportfishing guide back then. Here is an old picture with a pair of danglies. Omg...that was 1990!! I think not only my jewelry cards have improved since then, lol. Am thankful a computer can print much neater...

I have 3 sizes available. I think I'll put some up on Etsy for anyone who wants to play with them. I have some gold oblong lures somewhere...need to find them.

Here are some samples of my moms work from about the same era. Vintage 1990! she even baked acrylic

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