Showing posts with label cabochon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cabochon. Show all posts

Oct 14, 2012

Colourful faces

Ok…here in Canada we spell Colour with a ‘u’ added, but spell check is driving me a little bonkers. Am using Windows Live Writer and it wants me to add the ‘u’, but then when I need to edit something in Blogger it underlines it and insists it’s without the ‘u’, argh…
Anyway, with the suddenly dreary, gray, wet and colder October weather I need to add some colour to my online shops (most are in Etsy right now, but will add more to ArtFire) by adding more of my Art doll face cabochons. While they are moulded, the moulds have flaws which transfer to the faces, so I  redefine them by tooling each cabochon, plus I add details such as the spiral symbol, nostrils, eyelashes/eyebrows, change the lips and of course color them with my unique mixed media that exhibit a sort of ceramic property.
art doll faces
The exception are the recently addition of faux or imitative stone cabochons. Right now I just have the Rhyolite or Sandstone but will be adding other type.
faux stone moon
I make them both masculine or feminine, glossy or matte. Of course, I prefer the faux stone in matte as opaque stone is rarely glossy and for the colours I prefer the glossy as it also makes the colour more permanent, although I put some matte ones in the wash and they came out looking the same. I just trust the gloss more, but for art dolls either should be fine. Wouldn’t a matching pair of dolls be fun?
glossy or matte
masculine feminine

I have some creepy Alien faces for Halloween as well…creeeeeepy!! not sure if I should list those…
creepy alien

Oct 15, 2011

More beading embellishment…

Before finishing the previous polymer clay cabochon necklace, I had started this one and finally completed it. It’s a bit more labour intensive to create and figuring out how to assemble and attach the pieces together. I used Turquoise as the complimentary stone. The clasp cabochons were made from the same polymer clay sheet as the focal pendant. Right now I’m working on a matching bracelet and earrings…

Oct 12, 2011

Autumn Fire Cabochons

With the end of a very busy and routine summer, the fiery colours of the Autumn foliage and freshly fallen leaves have renewed my creative energy. These pictures are free wallpaper downloads and pretty much the colours that are showing up here now.
I had posted on Facebook a few of my Fire cabs and asked what colours were favourites right now. Fiery Orange, deep burnt orange, gold, red, chocolate were resounding answers and added to this mix was a gold, purple and turquoise. I used some of these colour combos for some polymer clay cabochons which I covered with resin and will be using for bead embroidery, but I did finish one…and another is almost finished.
Here are some of the cabochons. I’m contemplating listing some of these on Etsy and ArtFire for others who’d like to use them as additions for their own creative use.
I used Japanese Mijuki beads for the embroidery and added smoky quartz and turquoise. The pendant has a couple of watch gears stitched on the bail for an extra interest. This set is spoken for and already in the mail…

Mar 17, 2010

Peacock Shimmer Polymer Clay - Cabochons

I am going to be making more cuff bracelets with bead embroidery and need some special and unique cabochons to set them off. Polymer Clay is the perfect material and allows me to make something that defines my work, emphasizes originality and at same time gives me a bit of a niche. The local gallery requested some simpler bead embroidered pendants and earrings that can be affordable by almost anyone, along with the more exquisite pieces for the clientèle that wants to make a statement with what they wear. I'll still be incorporating semi-precious stones and crystal, but adding polymer clay will also allow me to express my creativity in a broader way.
I've been back in my experimental mode and am delighted to have discovered a new technique. Well, perhaps it isn't new, but I haven't seen this before, so this is new to me. I wish the photo could convey the dimensional chatoyancy of the metallics that shift in the light with whatever angle the piece is held at. I think these will be called Peacock Shimmer...I already have some Lustrous Sunset in mind. is a sneak preview at a few.

Aug 26, 2009

Beading amongst Chaos

It is time for some beading and assembly.
I have various things on the go and its hard to decide from day to day what needs to be done next. I wish I had done a few more polymer clay focal pendants before starting on assembling.

Right now I'm working with my recycled glass beads and my stuff is everywhere. I don't know about you, but for me it is impossible to create unless I have a lot of things available to me visually and I mean a LOT. I have drawers full of supplies, but what good is it when they aren't right there to say...oh yes, that colour would go nicely with this bead.
When I need to clay again, all of this has to be cleaned up.

So this is what is on my desk right now...My teeny work surface, but its enough for assembling one thing at a time...

And this is what is on one of my little side tables (I have two others)...wire, cord, beads, ultrasuede bits...

This is what I finished today...some necklaces

some lariats...

Closeup of a recycled glass bead...I got these from Africa...

Close up of one of my polymer clay sea urchin cabs...

Jun 19, 2009

Polymer Clay Molds and Cabochons

I finally made some Polymer Clay Sea Urchin Molds and Cabochons for sale.

I've been asked at various times for a tutorial on Sea Urchin related things, but I've also been told that it isn't always easy to find sea urchins to make your own molds from, so decided to offer up a few.
I will still write a tutorial for the "whole" ones, but it will take me a while since I'm so busy these days.

Still, it is almost summer and you may wish to use these textures as soon as possible for your own projects.

With sea urchins in mind, I'm also offering sea urchin cabochons in various shapes and colors for the beader and beadwork or the polymer clay crafter to incorporate these into their own polymer clay projects to be rebaked.

You can find these in my Artfire or click on the Artfire on my right sidebar.

Mar 27, 2008

COMING soon...or this blog near you...A TUTORIAL ala Tina's imitative Ceramics

lol...funny and awfully longwinded title, eh? (as the Canuck in me likes to say). Don't know how *near* your blog I am, but people are asking HOW I make make *ceramic* starfish. Don't you LOVE mysteries?? No? You don't?!
I better get my act together and give you a better tutorial than just a description. As those of you who have written tutorials know....I need my camera and my project for this show and tell.
Back later!.....
OK Folks! Ba-ack! (like a puppet show...only in internet time this is lightning fast)

Alrighty then!...the following is very VERY IMPORTANT:
get out your pancake batter mix! If you don't have any, use flour, baking powder, salt. Put some in a bowl, about 2 large tablespoons. Mix a bit of water into it and stir. Make sure it isn't too thin. Then get out the griddle. Put on medium and spray a bit of PAM into it, to prevent sticking. While this heats up, get out a plate and put into the oven to warm......
Oh bleeep....wrong recipe! (snicker) Sorry about that! (blame Jim Carrey who instead of pancakes wants a grilled cheese) ...(sigh)

For the sake of ease, I'm not making a starfish here (saved for another time), but will use a molded piece here. Find a nice big mold, stamp or texture with deep impression....

Mix a marble sized Pearlescent clay ball with a pea-sized ball (I used seagreen premo) to make a minty mix.Make a positive from the mold. The mold is on the left, the positive that you will work with is on the right.
Here is, or WAS, my biggest secret that I use for a lot of things....CHALK! Surprise, surprise. Well not really, if you've seen my previous tutorial here. Use your finger to apply chalk to the clay. The chalk will colour everything but the recesses.
If you want add a little metal powder to the recessed part (optional)

Apply Liquid Kato Polyclay to which a few drops of Pinata Alcohol Inks have been added. You can use your finger or a brush. Fingers are easier to clean on baby wipes and then washed than brushes. Personal choice.
That's it...Baked and glazed with Varnish. If you like a matte look better, don't varnish. There is no chance for the colours to rub off since they are locked in with the liquid polyclay. Both ways look better in person, really! ...these were quicky pictures, lol.

Feb 9, 2008

Gift or Prezzie? Batteries included....

Well, while my work doesn't require batteries, I spent some energy the last couple of days finishing some beadwork for my polymer clay focal pieces. I took some pictures including of some caps I'm making to match the pendants. There is also a picture of some faux bone pieces I had done. I find I make all these beads, pendants and cabs and then don't use them because I always make more, lol. Then they end up in a big box. I've started to sort through and put them up on Etsy, individually and in bulk. Lots to go, but a few up now. Maybe some other beaders would enjoy incorporating these into their work? What do you think? Single or bulk...? Please vote in the poll on the upper left.
Anyway, I'm putting them up pretty cheap, considering the time spent to make these, but I'm tired of looking at them and not getting time to use them! Well, I might as well keep going with my 'Commercial' plug here, lol. I've got a sale happening as well as offer LOW shipping (2 Bucks!) and over $50 includes free shipping. Pretty good, huh? Not done!! lol...I also always include a FREEBIE or PREZZIE!! ok...enough screaming. The prezzies depend on the purchase. The bigger the purchase, the bigger the present. You know what....I don't really like saying 'gift'. It translates as 'poison' in German. I assure you, my presents are NOT poisonous! I guess I like to treat my customers like *I* would like to be treated.Another pendant where I incorporated a hammered swirl.

Waterlily pendant and covered brass clasp.

Oct 16, 2007

Finished Pieces

This morning my relatives left after a week of visiting. It was hectic with a lot of cooking and outings. We had relatively good weather for this area and it only began pouring again yesterday, so we stayed indoors and I showed my niece how to make some flower necklaces. I also finished a few more pieces such as these ones which includes a couple of the imitative ceramic tiles that I had made a few days ago and also one of the faces:

Oct 12, 2007

Imitative Ceramics in Polymer Clay

Hubby says to me this morning:"Why would you want to make imitate ceramics with polymer clay when its so cheap?!" Wellll...I don't have a good answer for that except that I wanted to try a nice glaze on my face cabochons for beadwork and I don't have a kiln (which IS expensive). I used pinata inks mixed into liquid Kato Polyclay. I dabbed on a little mica powder onto the faces, then coloured 'glaze', then baked and gave the pieces a glossier finish with Fimo Varnish. The effect is a little dimensional and I'm pleased with the result. I only did a scan here and scans aren't showing dimensionality too well...I guess I should get out my camera.

Sep 28, 2007

A few more cabs....

A few more cabs, not taxis, but Polymer clay cabachons that is. Donuts too. It was a dreary day to take pics, very dark in the house and not much natural light to be found, but these have so much depth to them. I used a mokume gane with pinata inks and foils, probably my favorite technique.

Sep 14, 2007

Landscape Polymer clay Cabochon

Well, here it is...finished. One of the cabochons from a few days earlier (Scroll down to see two of them). Not too happy with the picture, but too be expected with scans. The problem with scanners is that once you put the lid never know how the fringe or various beads will lie, they usually move. Maybe I should try a box instead of the lid next time (now there's an idea!) My camera can't hold a charge anymore....mental note to add a battery to shopping list.

The clasp is made from endcaps that I covered with faux bone polymer clay and inlayed with abalone shell fragments that are then glued into place with cyanoacrylate. The endcaps I glued onto the 5 mm thick leather cord with E6000. Love that leather cord!! A few years ago I ordered it by mistake, but I'm sure glad to have it now because it makes awesome neckcords that are able to hold their shape a bit.

Sep 12, 2007

Landscape Polymer Clay Cabochons

Had fun making these today. Painted onto pearlescent polymer clay with pinata inks and then glazed with Kato Liquid Polyclay. These will get a beaded bezel and either made into pins or necklaces.
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