Having done tutorials on paper and photography with my Cybershot, the recording with a camcorder certainly is turning out to be an adventure, especially for a newbie like me. Am slowly getting the hang of it....slowly, lol, since I don't like 'reading' instructions. I rather push buttons and see what happens (grin). All the 'auto' functions....something wasn't quite right about some of them, but after manual adjustment of white balance and exposure in this low light (even with lighting set up) seems to have done the trick. The little table tripod I got from my friend Liz helps a lot! Thanks Liz! I'm finally using it!
I enjoy the 'editing' part better than the 'shooting'. Recently shot my first 'movie', of a 2 day vacation, lol. I tell 'ya, walking around with camcorder constantly in hand, does annoy some people. I missed some of that vacation, lol, but after editing with Video Wave 9, turned out not half-bad! After adding music, text and special effects, we have a comedy! I still kick myself for missing a great shot though.... on the second morning when we walked out of the hotel, there was a flock of mallard ducks walking past a sign of the "Athletic Club" and a guy was telling them to 'move on'. I was so excited, I turned the camera off! instead of on! tsk, tsk....got some great film of the pavement though, hehe.
Another program I use is "Picture Motion Browser'. I can take snapshots from my recording and incorporate those pictures into a written tutorial. I'm going to leave a DVD tutorial recording until the new year, but try and get another one onto paper asap.
Well, I think this little camcorder will come in handy (oops for the pun). Here are a couple of test shots from recordings. The Polymer Clay one was my first and too dark, but the last with the Beadwork has improved, don't you think?
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