I simply love Pinata Alcohol Inks! They work so well with Polymer clay. Here are a couple of pieces I made by using Pearl Premo clay as the base. Drop random spots of the inks, using a brush to spread, leaving spots of the white pearl. I used small amounts of rubbing alcohol to give a sunflowering effect on the surface. Let it dry and run through 2 successively smaller settings of the Pasta machine, just as you would with a sheet of clay that is covered with gold/copper leafing. It will give a slight crackling effect and the mica of the pearl will add to the chatoyant effect. I use Fimo Varnish to protect after baking.

I've linked my a recent
tutorial on here that I posted in the 'future' from this one...in case anyone wants to see....
Tina, I'm so glad that you're blogging - your work is amazing and full of inspiration!
I envy your talent.
hi tina
i am gonna pick your brain in feb!
transfer i cannot seem to do for the life of me, and pinata i am anxious to try....
Makes me want to try that.
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