Showing posts with label pendants. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pendants. Show all posts

Apr 12, 2013

Bead Soup Blog Party–Reveal

I’m part of the BSBP 2nd Reveal. There are 500 participants and Lori Anderson split us into 3 Groups. My Partner is Jen Van Benschoten which I blogged about in a previous post. Here is a recap of what she sent me, my progress and my finished pieces.
Initially I wanted to make a fancy collar, but I’m pretty limited with time now that Spring is here. Also, I really only was required to do one piece, but Jen sent me 2 soups, so I went to work.


First I created pendants for the dichroic cabochons. I used black polymer clay with Pearlex mica. For the purple dichroic cabochon I created an almond shape, inlaid some magenta swarovski crystals, cured and varnished. For the blue dichroic cabochon I used a little turquoise chip inlaid in a polymer clay flower to hide the slight imperfection of missing dichroic background that is visible on the left side of the cabochon in the picture above. Maybe I’m too picky, but it bothered me a little. I also created some matching beads which I textured with some of my handmade textures.

Click on the pictures for larger versions.

Then I used the size 8 magenta beads to surround the shape, along with black size 6’s from my stash and embroidered onto some Ultrasuede. I have to admit, the Japanese Stick pearls gave me trouble and I could not work them into this piece.


Isn’t the clasp beautiful? Even more in person because the Swarovski just sparkles. Jen was kind enough to give me the link for 'A Grain of Sand' so I could purchase some more of these. While they aren’t sterling silver, they are silver filled. I know there is such a thing as Gold-filled, but didn’t know that there was such a thing for Silver. I guess because of the increasing value of Silver, this had to happen.

At first I only had the diamond shapes beaded and attached chain between them and the clasp, but it looked too sparse and empty. I couldn’t get my almond shape polymer clay beads to fit in either, so it hit me…and maybe, just maybe I came up with a new stitch…braiding cord through the chain and then beading the edges.


I ended up making a whole bunch of bracelets as I have a large roll of this chain and got hooked on stitching it…

Getting back on topic…with the Blue necklace. Pendant is beaded like the Purple necklace, but made a beaded fringe with the Reconstituted moonstone beads and czech glass drops. Hey, I didn’t know they could reconstitute moonstone…mmm. I have a bunch of the real stuff and the reconstituted reminds me a lot of sea-opal which is a man-made moonstone type of glass. Anyway, I managed to fit in a couple of the polymer clay textured pillow beads and of course wove more chain.


What do you think? Did I succeed with these?
I’ll be posting these to a special Pinterest board where all the entries will be judged by a panel including Nina Designs, Lima Beads, Fusion Beads, PJ Tool and Jewelry, Beaducation, and Kalmbach Publishing. Not sure if I stand a chance to win one of the Prizes as there are some pretty amazing works on there already! I’ll be posting my entry after I hit ‘publish’ on this post here. The following link is the board…(wish me luck)

These are so many  participants for the 2nd reveal. I tried copying and pasting the list, but my formatting won’t play along. You can see all the list on Lori’s blog.

and of course, please visit my Partner Jen Van Benschoten’s blog to see what she made with the beads I sent her!!

Apr 12, 2010

Versatile pendant - clip on and off

I didn't have time to work on any polymer clay today, but thought I'd give you a break from my daily bracelet and color challenge by posting something that may be of interest to you.

A local gallery once mentioned to me that on ocassion a customer will comment "oh, I'd like that necklace better without the pendant" or "I'd like that pendant but would like it on a plain cord". Well, it isn't always easy to have the right piece for a customer, but how about letting them choose? This way, a pendant can  be worn evenings in a more elegant way and during the day it can be worn casually on a cord.
A couple of years ago I started making a few of my pendants with lobster clasps, so they can be clipped onto a nice beaded cord, a plain cord, a chain or even used as a zipper pull. Works like a charm (pun intended), lol

Feb 20, 2010

Polymer Clay Bytes! - Turtles

Well, these Polymer Clay Turtles don't bite, but some have gears. You know those wind up toys? My daughter put one in my stocking for Christmas and been thinking of trying that with polymer clay, but the gears those toys come with would in all likely-hood melt before making it out of the oven safely...
Anyway here are a few turtles, some with resin, some with glass...

May 21, 2009

Polymer Clay Fun Pendants - revisited

 This post is already a year old, but shows how time flies. Resin and pendants, lol...Here is one thing I've learned...they are popular, but my newest will be a bit more colorful than these, or at least have more resin :)

May 21, 2009

Been having some fun creating some new Polymer Clay pendants for this Spring and Summer. Been enjoying starfish and sanddollars as usual, but also am having fun creating some flower pendants with resin and foils. I'm feeling very refreshed having been able to play and create something new instead of the constant production work...although, these will become a production also.
Hard to photograph the depth. It feels like I'm looking at them with one eye. If you want a closer look go to my flickr.
The amber golden flower pendant if my favorite as it has varying shades of bronzes and golds. The pendants measure an average of 2x2 inches, but I'm thinking of creating even larger ones. I've already sketched another design....
The orange pendant (on the lower right) I had a bit of difficulty with as I wasn't exactly a fan of orange, but now this pendant is growing on me and am thinking of creating some other bright shades for this season. The flowers were especially creating for a clothing boutique, but will take her the orange pendant to see if she fancies it. The center stone is cats eye, same with one of the blue flower pendants. Now I need some names for the resin flower series, for the starfish squares and the metal starfish and sanddollar blings. I'm terrible with names, all I can think of are 'discs', 'circles' and 'squares'. Names help when being asked "can we have more of the "blah blah blah?" Some people just have a knack for names, not me!

Feb 2, 2008

A new twist

A new twist to my work. I'm finding my polymer clay work is evolving along a different style from usual, and these past few weeks have been very fruitful and I've got much accomplished that I wanted to. I've been 'combining' my old and 'layering' with some new and with each successive piece my muse tells me to try 'this' or 'that'. It's kind of funny, really, how I sort of zone out when I work and I almost get angry when the phone rings at a 'critical' moment because POOF!! what was I going to do next??! Listening to some alternative music has been great. Amy Winehouse soulful retro vintage style has me thinking 60's. My husband and working partner commented on these pieces that they are 'chunky' for me because I usually work in much smaller style.
I'll be adding bolder colours next and large florals and that 60's or 70's? I was born in the 60's so should remember, lol.
The large 65mm (2 1/2") round pendant with the flower has a cut-out where I incorporated a hammered wire swirl. It also has Swarovski Crystals. Back in 1989 I used a lot of rhinestones in my work, so still have a nice stash to use once again.
I also have an idea in my head for some new bracelets using my wire cut-outs....stay tuned ;)

Jan 19, 2008

Inukshuks and new beads

Its beadmaking day...inukshuks from polymer clay and other beads and pendants with various inclusions. Now that they are made, assemblage required...almost like 'batteries not included'. Will have to put on my thinking cap. The inukshuks are fine on just simple buna with clasps, but the other beads...

Jan 9, 2008

Toggles and Beads

Decided to spend a day making Polymer Clay Toggles and a few Beads. Never could find any pleasing CLASPS to go with my polymer clay work, especially when I don't always want to use metal ones. Sometimes I like the look of a functional clasp in the front that can act as a pendant. Now comes the hard part....trying to decide how to string them, whether to use just polymer clay beads and a few other types of beads or whether to go out on a limb and do something a bit more elaborate which includes wire or wire crochet. Will see. I may do a bit of both. These pics really don't do the toggles justice, but I just didn't have time nor the place to set up my lightbox. My daughter is moving....can you imagine trying to work around piles of laundry? lol

Tomorrow I make some toggles in other shapes...

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