If you want to fashion some 'steampunk' jewelry but don't have watch parts or immediate access to them, this tutorial would be ideal because you need few materials and tools to get started. You don't even need a pasta machine. Don't worry if you don't have all of the driver bits either, but every household should have at least a few on hand. If anything, at least a Slotted, Square Drive, Phillips or Robertson. If those names are like a foreign language to you, the tutorial includes a chart with names and photos. Google comes in handy when looking up images for Screwdriver bits and I learned a bit ('scuse the pun).
This tutorial shows you how to make your own gears, cogs, and washers. You'll make molds using the common screw driver bits, and all you need are a few other simple tools to complete molds, gears and a pendant.
Geared for easy to intermediate (pun not intended) Even an advanced clayer may get some enjoyment and perhaps even a few tips out of it.
46 steps, 55 photographs, 19 pages
Available on ArtFire