Showing posts with label bangle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bangle. Show all posts

Aug 9, 2012

Summer Bracelet Fun

I’ve been making and selling a few bangles and none received more compliments than the one I chose to keep for myself. So I’ve decided to share it, in the form of my latest tutorial.

This tutorial is fold as in 2 parts. First I show how to create the crackles and craze with the full tutorial of "New Crackle", then second, how to create round and flat round elasticized bangle bracelets. The tutorial will shows a modification of the crackle. Nothing gets wasted when you use the crackled veneer for other projects and then use the left over bits to create these types of bracelets.

The Bangles are unique in that the 2 halves interconnect with elastic. You can also create these bracelets with other veneers such as Mokume gane, milifiori canes or my Batik technique which I think is a lot of fun.

This 15 page tutorial has more than 40 photos as guidance with the detailed step by step.

I’ve listed it in my Etsy, ArtFire and Zibbet, so one can choose their preferred Market place. There is a bit of a bonus with a percentage discount on ArtFire (Comment and Patrons). The other markets don’t offer this yet.

Ok, but what about if you already have the ‘New Crackle” Tutorial? Well, you could just create your own bangles I suppose, lol. I was thinking of offering just the bracelet as a project part, so one can use their own technique along with it and just learn my tips and method, but it gets to be a bit confusing when listing. This was the case with my Batik Flower tutorial, where I offered a tutorial with the technique and the project and then the project alone. I sold very few of the project alone that I stopped offering it.

I could use some opinions on this…

May 22, 2012

Watercolor Crackle Bangle and Ammolite

Two new upcoming tutorials!
actually 3, but the third one is a multi-faceted tutorial and is taking me a bit longer, mainly because I’m writing a couple of versions of expanding stretch bracelets, one for polymer clayers and the other for beaders. I’ll post more on this soon.
The next upcoming tutorial is using the watercolor bead method with my ‘New Crackle technique’ in combination. This is a sneak peek at one of the bangles.
And then there is something a bit more exciting, another new technique for Imitative Ammolite. Crackles of golden, red and green chatoyancy. When held at angles metallic shifts…
(of a gem, esp. when cut en cabochon) Showing a band of bright reflected light caused by aligned inclusions in the stone.
I might as well throw in one of my newest cabochons in new colors…I’ll be posting some of these for sale in the next couple of days. Busy busy busy…lol
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