
My Pages

May 28, 2019

It's been a year! Giveaway and more

It's been a while since I've blogged.
I guess with all the social media such as Facebook and Instagram, which are so easy to access and you can instantly chat with other people, get instant feedback and with a blog...well, one just doesn't know if anyone will even see or read it. Might make a good 'journal' tho? Will have to see if I can revive it...

But here's a test...if you see this, type a comment?
Also...hop on over to Beading Gem. I've got a Giveaway over there as well as a huge Coupon code!

Happy Creating!


  1. I appreciate the time you spend with this blog. As a relative newcomer to clay, this blog is very informative. Now to check out the Beading Gem!

  2. It was a pleasure to write about your fabulous tutorials and store!

  3. Hi Tina!
    I really appreciate blogs since I prefer a tab-type layout and I won't use fb at all.
    Thanks for keeping your fantastic inspiration available, even if blogs have somewhat fallen out of favor.

  4. I just saw your pieces in the Beading Gem Journal's email and they are absolutely wonderful! I will be checking out your blog and following if possible. I do think people are mostly on Facebook and Instagram these days, but I love blogs and can't wait to explore yours and your Etsy shop and tutorials!

  5. I love to visit blogs, Tina - they're much more personal than one-size-fits-all fb!

  6. I love reading blogs, Tina! So much more personal than one-size-fits-all FB :-)


Thanks so much for visiting my blog! If you want me to continue to blog, please do comment as your comments mean a lot to me. It means that at least some of you are reading. I'm sorry that I have to ask for comment moderation but I took the CAPTCHA off to make it easier. I tried leaving it anonymous and that anyone could post, but ended up getting a daily box full of weird random spam. Thanks for your understanding :)