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Oct 14, 2012

Colourful faces

Ok…here in Canada we spell Colour with a ‘u’ added, but spell check is driving me a little bonkers. Am using Windows Live Writer and it wants me to add the ‘u’, but then when I need to edit something in Blogger it underlines it and insists it’s without the ‘u’, argh…
Anyway, with the suddenly dreary, gray, wet and colder October weather I need to add some colour to my online shops (most are in Etsy right now, but will add more to ArtFire) by adding more of my Art doll face cabochons. While they are moulded, the moulds have flaws which transfer to the faces, so I  redefine them by tooling each cabochon, plus I add details such as the spiral symbol, nostrils, eyelashes/eyebrows, change the lips and of course color them with my unique mixed media that exhibit a sort of ceramic property.
art doll faces
The exception are the recently addition of faux or imitative stone cabochons. Right now I just have the Rhyolite or Sandstone but will be adding other type.
faux stone moon
I make them both masculine or feminine, glossy or matte. Of course, I prefer the faux stone in matte as opaque stone is rarely glossy and for the colours I prefer the glossy as it also makes the colour more permanent, although I put some matte ones in the wash and they came out looking the same. I just trust the gloss more, but for art dolls either should be fine. Wouldn’t a matching pair of dolls be fun?
glossy or matte
masculine feminine

I have some creepy Alien faces for Halloween as well…creeeeeepy!! not sure if I should list those…
creepy alien


  1. Hi Tina, I also have the spell check issue in blogger, but I just right click over the underlined word, and right under the "alternate" spelling list is the "Add to Dictionary" option. Blogger then saves my preferred spelling. I use it to save my frequently used abbreviations and any words Blogger won't recognize. Saves time and frustration.

    I think this would be the perfect time to offer your alternate art doll face cabs. They might be the perfect addition to many seasonal theme parties.

  2. These faces are amazing, I love them especially the Sandstone face. Australians spell it with a u as well, grey is another one that confuses the computer, it always wants to change it to gray.

  3. As I'm in Australia I also have the spelling issue.
    Loving these faces Tina, the white and stone coloured ones are my favourites. Not sure about the creepy ones though, although some one will love them for sure.


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